
  • Sample Final Exam Solutions

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 10 months ago.

    Please first try to solve all the sample exam questions, it will offer you a very good practice for your final exam!

    You can find possible solutions for the sample exam questions in this zip file .

    The above link is also available at the bottom of the following page: Sample Final Exam .

  • ENGG1811 Final Exam Information

    Posted by George Muscat 🌱 10 months ago.

    The ENGG1811 examination will be held on Wednesday, May 08, 2024 . You should have received an email with a link to all the information required. This includes exact time, location and procedure information.

    We discussed exam-related information during the Week-10 lecture . Please view this if you have not already.

    Linked below are resources you are highly encouraged to fully read. You should also attempt all questions found below. If you are looking for more study questions, please look on the EdStem forum for "Live Coding", as the questions used in those sessions are different to the labs and assignments.

  • Assignment 2 Submission Reminder

    Posted by George Muscat 🌱 11 months ago.

    Hello everyone!

    I am making this announcement to remind everyone that the Assignment 2 submissions are due 5pm tomorrow (19/04/2024).

    Please ensure that when you submit, you submit exactly four files. They are to be correctly named, containing one function per file. There should be no testing code within the files.

    When you submit, please be patient and check the output of the submission. You should make sure that it says "Your submission is ACCEPTED".

    Additionally, I suggest you check the output of the dryrun tests that are also displayed upon submission. If they fail, you should attempt to fix your code such that they pass.

    You can submit multiple times and we will mark the most recent submission.


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