
  • Week 6 - 10 Help Sessions

    Posted by George Muscat 🌱 Friday 28 June 2024, 08:18:30 AM.


    We have scheduled help sessions for the remaining weeks of the term.

    As we approach assignment deadlines, these sessions will get busier. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to help everyone, so please attend the earlier sessions (we are running sessions in Week 6!).

    You can find timetable here: .

  • Help Sessions

    Posted by George Muscat 🌱 Saturday 15 June 2024, 06:58:38 PM.

    Hey everyone!

    This week we are starting help sessions which you can find here or in the menu on the side of WebCMS3.

    For the next two weeks, there will be help sessions run online from 12-2pm on Monday and Friday. Later weeks will have more sessions, with there being both online and in person sessions planned.

    These sessions get really busy closer to assignment deadlines, so please go sooner rather than later as you will not be able to get as much help during busy sessions.

  • Week 3 Live Coding

    Posted by George Muscat 🌱 Tuesday 11 June 2024, 04:52:20 PM.

    Hello Everyone!

    Due to the Public Holiday on Monday this week, we have rescheduled the Live Coding Session to Wednesday 4pm.

    As usual, this session will be recorded, however we strongly suggest that you attend the 1hr online session as you will be able to ask questions in real-time!

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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