PreExam Online Consultation will start at 10:30 am on Collaborate: link (click here)
ENGG1811 Pre-exam online consultation (on Collaborate , like lectures) will be from 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. on Friday, 09 August 2024. We will review the Sample exam and answer any questions you may have.
Congratulations on finishing the 24T2 teaching period.
Regarding the exam, the exact room and time will be sent to you via email at a later date. The exam is organised centrally by the school of CSE and not the ENGG1811 staff. Please ensure you monitor your student email regularly.
What can currently be confirmed is:
If you are unable to attend the exam, please apply for special consideration
As discussed in the lecture (on 11/July), Assignment-2 is available. Please carefully read the specifications, we will discuss how to get started in the next Tuesday lecture.
Online module on Matlab with Link to Self-Directed Lab 2
is now available. Please carefully read the specifications; we will discuss how to get started in the following Tuesday lecture.
You should have received an email from "Matlab Grader" to complete Self-Directed Lab 2 exercises. Please check your mail box(s) and look for an email like the following (or something similar), follow the link and complete the exercises before the deadline.
We have scheduled help sessions for the remaining weeks of the term.
As we approach assignment deadlines, these sessions will get busier. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to help everyone, so please attend the earlier sessions (we are running sessions in Week 6!).
You can find timetable here:
Hey everyone!
This week we are starting help sessions which you can find
or in the menu on the side of WebCMS3.
For the next two weeks, there will be help sessions run online from 12-2pm on Monday and Friday. Later weeks will have more sessions, with there being both online and in person sessions planned.
Hello Everyone!
Due to the Public Holiday on Monday this week, we have rescheduled the Live Coding Session to Wednesday 4pm.
As usual, this session will be recorded, however we strongly suggest that you attend the 1hr online session as you will be able to ask questions in real-time!
The revised PASS session times are: Tuesday at 3 pm, Tuesday at 6 pm, and Thursday at 11 am ; for more information, see - PASS Sessions .
Hello everyone!
I hope everyone is doing well.
From this week, we are starting Live Coding Sessions. These sessions will run 6-7pm online on Mondays and are a great opportunity to go through some unique coding examples to reinforce lecture content from the past week.
I would highly encourage everyone to join as you can follow along with the amazing Callum as he completes the tasks. This is a great opportunity to ask additional questions as well. These will be set out similar to exam and assignment problems, so are good practice for upcoming assessments.
Please join via BlackBoard Collaborate (through Moodle).
From this week, all lab content is assessed. This means you must attend your lab and speak with your tutors to get marked.
Additionally, there is a single multiple choice question to be completed each week. This must be completed in the same 2hr timeslot as your officially scheduled lab.
Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS) start in Week 2! Everyone is welcome to join these group study sessions facilitated by friendly senior students who have successfully completed ENGG1811 before.
PASS Sessions run from Weeks 2-10. (Note: there are no sessions on public holidays or in Week 6.)
Time |
Location |
Leader |
Tuesday 3pm |
UNSW Business School 207 (see on the map ) |
Selina & Sue |
Tuesday 6pm |
Sue |
Thursday 11am |
Main Library 208
Selina & Sue |
Want a reminder? Complete this form to receive a calendar invite.
Why should you go to PASS?
Past participants have said that PASS provides a safe and welcoming environment where you can build confidence, improve your grades and save time with smarter study methods. It’s also a great place to meet people from your course and make friends.
Any questions?
Please contact with any questions about PASS. For more information, visit
Hello everyone!
The School of CSE uses a class email that shares the inbox with all lecturers and admins for each course. Please email this address to get the fastest response.
This inbox is appropriate for any requests related to marks, ELP communication and assessment queries. For questions about content, please use the course forum!
Dear ENGG1811 Students,
Welcome to ENGG1811 (Term 2, 2024), I’m the convenor for the course. There are a number of important points that I’d like to let you know.
Looking forward to the start of Term 2, 2024!
Dr Ashesh Mahidadia (Convenor and Lecturer)
Dr Raymond Louie (Lecturer)
George Muscat (Admin)