
  • Help Sessions

    Posted by Larry Tang 🦀 about 12 hours ago.

    Hey everyone,

    Help sessions have been timetabled and are starting next week! You can find the timetable on the sidebar of WebCMS3.

    These will be in-person sessions that allow you to request help from a tutor on anything course-related, such as home computing, coursework feedback or help with an assignment. Everyone is free to attend whenever they wish, and I would highly encourage attending earlier sessions rather than later as they can get very busy close to assignment deadlines.

  • The Live Coding Session continues today!

    Posted by Larry Tang 🦀 about 15 hours ago.

    Hey everyone,

    The live coding session will be returning at 1-2pm today!

    Last week you learned a fundamental programming concept, that being control structures. This week we will be working through some problems where you can put this into practice.

    Please see Callum’s post on the Ed forum for the files for this week’s session.

    These sessions will continue running for the entire term except for flexibility week.

  • The Live Coding Sessions start today!

    Posted by Larry Tang 🦀 8 days ago.

    Hey everyone,

    The first live coding session will be taking place 1-2pm in Mathews 230 today !

    This week the session will be focused on using variables and performing calculations in Python, particularly those involving the operators that may be less familiar to you.

    Please see Callum’s post on the Ed forum for the files for this week’s session.

    Looking forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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