
  • Welcome to GSOE9210 Engineering Decisions

    Posted by Victor Jauregui 2 years ago.

    Hi Folks

    Welcome to GSOE9210 Engineering Decisions.

    Classes begin next week (Week 1). Our first class will be on Monday, September 12. In that class we will get to know each other, I'll give you an overview of the course and how it will run, and you may ask questions.

    This term, classes will run in hybrid mode; that is, they will combine in-person and online participation. To join online, login to the course's Moodle site , and click on the Online Class link.

    Before the first class, please familiarise yourself with the course outline .

    All course information and materials will be accessible from the course's Moodle site, including lecture notes, practice exercises, notices, and discussion forums.

    Victor Jauregui
    Lecturer in Charge

  • GSOE9210 is on Moodle

    Posted by Victor Jauregui 2 years ago, last modified 2 years ago.

    The link (Moodle Link) on the menu on the left will take you there (when the course is ready). While you're here, you should read the Course Outline .

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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