
  • Vampire submission

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 9 years ago.

    I am expecting you to submit just the PID and the Dafny code for the project. Do not submit the implementation code. If I want to see your implementation code, I will email the group directly.

  • Assignment 1 marks

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 9 years ago.

    The first assignment marks are available (see using classrun or go to the Timetable page on this website). Your marked assignment cannot be collected however, but you are welcome to email your tutor for feedback.

  • Week 12 lecture

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 9 years ago.

    There is no lecture in Week 12. Instead, you are welcome to come and practise your project talk in the theatre. Just bring your laptop and cabling. I will be there to offer advice.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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