
  • myExperience and consultations

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    The school values your opinion, as I do, so please consider filling out the course survey (now called myExperience). Whoever gives the course next year will take your views into account. To encourage a high response rate, if at least 60% of you respond to the survey then I will give every student that has passed the course and is just one mark off the next grade a bonus mark. So someone with a raw mark of 64 will get a final mark of 65. Similarly for 74 and 84.

    Finally, there is no official pre-exam consultation for this course, but I do welcome your emails.

  • Final examination preparation

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    The final exam will be a 'standard' 2 hour paper, and is run strictly by the university, so you are not allowed to take anything into the examination room with you. You will be asked to provide written answers to a series of questions on the following topics: project management, predicate logic and Dafny programming. Answers should be provided in the space provided on the exam paper. There are 75 marks in total, about 50% of which are for the Dafny questions. Your score will be scaled to 25 final course marks. The project management questions relate to the lecture slides (but you might be pleased to hear that I will not ask you to construct a WBS). The predicate logic questions are similar to those in the first assignment (e.g. I'll give you a real-world situation and ask you to express that in predicate logic, or vice versa). The Dafny questions involve writing pre- and post-conditions, invariants and code. No question involves writing more than a few lines of Dafny. I wish you the very best of luck.

  • Project report and Dafny file submission

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 8 years ago.

    If you tried to submit your project report and Dafny files, but it didn't work, please try again. (I had an error in a script that I have now fixed.)

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