
  • Final marks

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 5 years ago.

    Your marks and my comments can be collected for Assignment 2, and the Interim and Final Reports. The Interim/Final Report marks are brief and are meant more for my benefit (observations that help me compare reports) than for yours. There were some truly outstanding verification efforts in the project that deserve more attention, and I hope to spend some time on them over the coming year.

    With regard the final results, here are some stats:

    • 21 students got a HD in the course (highest mark 96%, 9 above 90%).
    • 24 a DN.
    • 52 a CR
    • 34 a PS
    • 12 a FL, a WD, or awarded a supplementary.

    I did not apply the exam hurdle. It would have affected just a few students, and their other results were strong.

    Some students have a WD grade that I hope will be removed over the coming week.

    Many thanks to you for participating in the course. I enjoyed it immensely.

  • Notes on the final examination

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 5 years ago.

    You will find some notes on the final examination on the Exam link.

  • Project report submissions

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 5 years ago.

    Thank you. I have received and 'processed' final reports and Dafny files from all 29 groups. Every submission was within the time limit. You will not be able to check the submission any longer.

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