Final marks
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Monday 23 December 2019, 09:59:35 AM.
Your marks and my comments can be collected for Assignment 2, and the Interim and Final Reports. The Interim/Final Report marks are brief and are meant more for my benefit (observations that help me compare reports) than for yours. There were some truly outstanding verification efforts in the project that deserve more attention, and I hope to spend some time on them over the coming year.
With regard the final results, here are some stats:
21 students got a HD in the course (highest mark 96%, 9 above 90%).
24 a DN.
52 a CR
34 a PS
12 a FL, a WD, or awarded a supplementary.
I did not apply the exam hurdle. It would have affected just a few students, and their other results were strong.
Some students have a WD grade that I hope will be removed over the coming week.
Many thanks to you for participating in the course. I enjoyed it immensely.
Notes on the final examination
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Friday 29 November 2019, 10:37:56 PM.
You will find some notes on the final examination on the Exam link.
Project report submissions
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Saturday 23 November 2019, 01:13:40 PM.
Thank you. I have received and 'processed' final reports and Dafny files from all 29 groups. Every submission was within the time limit. You will not be able to check the submission any longer.
Friday consult, Final Report reminder
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Thursday 21 November 2019, 03:44:04 PM.
The time of the Friday 22nd consult has changed to 11:30am-12:30, and it is the consult rooms K17, ground floor.
A reminder that the Final Report is due Friday 9pm. Just 1 member of the group submit please.
Another reminder also that in Ex3 in Assignment 2, submit just the method HeadTail (not the whole Quack class).
Lab allocation final exam, late penalties, consultation
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Tuesday 19 November 2019, 06:20:24 PM.
On the
link on the left is a seating allocation link that will tell you which lab you have been allocated for the final exam.
The other links I will open later in the week.
The marks for Assignment 1 that I announced earlier were raw marks: I have now applied
late penalties
to the few students that submitted late.
-with-convenor (i.e. me) for this week is Friday from 11am to midday. Tentatively held in the ground floor consultation room in K17.
Lectures and Assignment 1
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Monday 18 November 2019, 08:37:49 AM.
A reminder that there are
no lectures
this week (Week 10).
Assignment 1
has been marked and can be
. Realise that auto-marking was not used. I looked at every program.
For those that are not aware, there was a
Assignment 2
, Exercise 5. There was an obviously incorrect assert in the second test case. I have corrected the assignment on the website.
I'll be finished with the interim reports soon.
Final examination and final project
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Tuesday 12 November 2019, 12:23:54 AM.
At the final lecture in the course today I should have mentioned that in week 10 I will post a document on the website describing the format of the final examination and the material that is examinable. The exam will be on-line in CSE and involve using the Dafny 1.9.7 compiler/verifier.
Regarding the project, some points I would like to make about submission:
Just one member of the group should submit the pdf report file, together with the Dafny files. In the report, you should motivate and explain what you have done with Dafny (but please no Dafny code in the report).
At submission time, send me a link to a repository where the project implementation code is stored, or a zip file of the code. (Don't forget to tell me which group you are from.)
In the final week, at your last meeting, you should demo your system to your mentor. Your demo should reflect your system's requirements (those that you have implemented). A suggestion is to prepare for the demo by listing a set of short scenarios on paper (with references to the requirements) that you will present at the demo, and give this to your mentor at the start of the demo. It is not necessary to demo the Dafny code.
Project report and assignment 2
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Thursday 07 November 2019, 02:30:14 PM.
It is now possible to submit the final project report (use the same Vampire link as the interim report) and your solutions to Assignment 2.
There has been one change to Assignment 2. In
, the
Quack class
file I made available on the website was an old version. I have updated the assignment Quack class code to match the lecture Quack class code. The exercise itself has not changed.
Tuesday lecture 5 November cancelled
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Monday 04 November 2019, 10:41:41 PM.
The Tuesday lecture in week 8 will not go ahead due to unforeseen circumstances. Please use the time for the assignment.
Assignment 2
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Sunday 03 November 2019, 11:51:39 PM.
Assignment 2 has been released. The due date can be found in the assignment. The submission process will be set up later this week.
Project report and assignment 1 due today (Friday 25th)
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Friday 25 October 2019, 10:25:54 AM.
A reminder that the report and assignment are due today:
please make sure your interim report has a cover page (use the template that I provide)
please fill in the the Teamwork section regarding contribution
in the assignment,
make sure
your program verifies with
Dafny v1.9.7
if particular test cases do not pass, then comment them out and make some comment as to what the problem may be
Interim report deadline extension and course consult
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Thursday 17 October 2019, 10:44:46 AM.
for the Interim Report has been
by 1 week (it is now 25th October, 9pm). I do recommend however, that your group commences work on the implementation while completing the report as we are moving into the second half of the course.
I am available for a '
Course Consult
' every week on Tuesday from 2-3pm in the K17 consult room G01. See the link on the left.
Submitting project report and assignment
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Saturday 12 October 2019, 09:55:36 AM.
You are now able to submit your project report (call it
) and assignment exercises (
) on the website.
Project documents and mentors and unattached students
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Wednesday 02 October 2019, 03:22:51 PM.
On the Projects page, you will find a .doc file that lists the headings for the Interim and Final Reports.
You will also find an explanation of the assessment scheme for the 2 reports.
Could a contact person from each of the following groups please contact me:
Clueless, EthicsRiseUp, Defny, DontCare, EarlyDafny, FlatEarthers,
and any group that does not have a mentor.
If any individual student does not have a group, please contact me as well.
Project and assignment
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Saturday 28 September 2019, 10:01:31 AM.
Project: a description of the project can be found on the Project link. There will be more documents released the coming days (such as a template document for the Interim Report, which has due date Friday 18th October by the way). Most groups should be hearing from their mentor soon.
Assignment: the first Dafny assignment has been released and can be found on the Assignments link. The due date will be a week later than the Interim report, Friday 25th October.
Groups and Dafny
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Saturday 21 September 2019, 03:50:52 PM.
: There are quite a few SENG groups that have less than 5 members, so if you are not in a group, please join one of these. Alternatively, if you send me an email, I will allocate you to a group.
If your group is complete, could your contact member please send me
your group name
and the
3 possible weekly
meeting times, in order of preference. I will try to assign a mentor to you that can meet with you at one of these times. I will be meeting the mentors on Monday to start this process. When a mentor gets assigned to your group, he/she will contact you.
: I have prepared a must-read document called
Dafny: the first step
that you will find under the Dafny link on the left.
This document includes a few simple exercises to get you started.
Those of you that are already working with Dafny, the document may provide useful information as well.
Course Outline
is also available. You should look at the section on Assessment in particular.
I will release the
Project Description
in the next day or two.
Welcome to SENG2011
Posted by
Albert Nymeyer Tuesday 17 September 2019, 07:42:12 AM.
Hello everyone. This is a course in programming, but with a difference. The difference is that we never get to execute the code! I hope you'll find it enjoyable and, above all, thought-provoking.
There is a project, which is done in groups of
Please register your group (using
on the left).
Give your group a name (no more than
8 characters
please, and from the alphabet [a-zA-Z]).
Each group should have a designated
contact person
three 30 minute timeslots
(weekday, between 9am and 6pm) that you are available to meet with your mentor. I will send out a notice requesting your availabilities later in the week.
If you don't know anyone or would prefer me to allocate you to a group, do nothing for the moment: I will send out another notice soon about that.
I'm still working on the course outline but will be finished in a day or so.