
  • Final marks and assignment 2

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 3 years ago.

    The second assignment feedback has been released to coincide with the release today by UNSW of final course marks. There are quite a few requests for Special Consideration for the final examination that are being processed by Student Services. These have been given a temporary grade of WC. I will say more about how the final examination went later.

  • Final marks

    Posted by Albert Nymeyer 4 years ago.

    As you know the final marks for the workshop were released last week. The profile of final grades is as follows: 26 got a HD, 34 DN, 47 CR, 45 PS, the 'flatest' profile I've ever seen. If you've received a WD I still need to complete your assessment. The 'bonus mark at the boundaries' rule was applied by the way, and it benefited about a dozen students.

    The workshop was a pleasure to teach, although I do feel the workshop works better with real lectures and real tutorials, and a project. I would like to thank Alexander for his help, and his handling of the quizzes, and Arthur for managing the forum. They're as good as any tutors I have ever had. On the forum I would like to single out Ram and Sarah for their substantial contribution. I enjoyed reading and was sometimes surprised by their insights.

    Many of you will have been frustrated by the lack of reference material on Dafny in the workshop. Next year, if I am the convenor, there will be a textbook, written by Dafny-creator Rustan Leino. It is only recently been made available (a draft version).

    If you liked the formal approach to programming, and want to know more, the next step is Carroll Morgan's course, COMP6721. He uses python and C as well as Dafny by the way, and it is a very hands-on course, and challenging I assure you.

    I wish you a safe and happy summer.

  • Exam Closed

    Posted by Alexander Georges 4 years ago.

    Congratulations on finishing! The exam is over.

    You should have submitted all questions by now.

    Please do not share, upload, or discuss the questions or your solutions as some students (with an ELP) are still completing the exam. This would still constitute a violation of the exam conditions.

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