
  • Please fill survey

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi 6 years ago.

    Currently the response rate for SENG2021 is 16%. Please fill out the course and teaching evaluation this week (it closes on Sunday). You can use the following URL:


  • Marks

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna 6 years ago.

    Dear All,

    it seems that some students didn't have access to the marks for deliverables 1,2, and 3. please be advised that all marks are in your Github Repo under 'project' there is a project called marks and for each deliverable we have a column that has a card with the marks.

    Your mentor should have already provided feedback for each deliverable. please feel free to discuss with your mentor the mark or send to us directly if you need further feedback or clarification.

    P.S. as you know this is a group project and hence the mark applies for all members of the group. if you have any concern regarding the fairness of marking within the group feel free to discuss with your teammates and fill the peer assessment sheet we have posted earlier with the deliverable specification.


  • Macquarie prize shortlist

    Posted by Morty Al-Banna 6 years ago.

    It was an extremely hard decision as many teams were very good. The shortlisted teams are:

    • GitHubbies
    • Teletubbies
    • Hi-5-proj
    • Beam
    • Greatest Group Ever

    The prize presentations are scheduled for Friday. 3rd of May in Macquarie Offices in CBD. Not all team members have to be present. We will contact all teams with further instructions.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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