
  • Consultation Today - Thursday 13 May

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Thursday 13 May 2021, 10:01:01 AM.

    If you can't access level 4 with the lift, send me an email and I will come and get you.


  • Fethi will be available in his office this coming Thursday (13th of May) 10-12

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 11 May 2021, 02:48:33 PM, last modified Thursday 13 May 2021, 08:58:40 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    Fethi will be available in his office, Room 406 K17, this coming Thursday (13th of May) 10-12.

    Use it, If you have any query related to D5 or the course in general.

    If you want to contact me, the course admin, you can email me directory.


  • Six teams are going to the Second-Year Software Engineering Macquarie prize Grand Finale.

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 04 May 2021, 01:09:55 PM, last modified Tuesday 04 May 2021, 01:20:37 PM.

    Dear students,

    The Grand Finale of the Second-Year Software Engineering Macquarie prize is almost here.

    Six teams are chosen to present for the Second-Year Software Engineering Macquarie prize Grand Finale.

    The teams are:

    • ??
    • Epic
    • Creative Original
    • Jess and Co
    • Coca Cola
    • AT3K

    Each of these teams needs to send me, Armin, a video link containing a 10-min presentation about their system by the 20th of May which will be evaluated by the sponsor. I recommend using Youtube or UNSW Microsoft One Drive.

    In addition, each of these teams needs to make a short presentation online on the 27th of May ( not all team members must be present). Participation is optional and does not affect their grade in any way. Further details will be sent to these teams directly.

    This year we had many talented teams. Choosing a few to present to the Macquarie Group was not easy. I want to thank you all for your great effort this term.

    Let me know if you have any question.


  • Week10 demo timetable

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 16 April 2021, 08:44:10 AM.


    You can now view the timetable for your week10 demo. It is the same as week8. It is a dynamic table and can change.
    If you can not attend the demo, please let your mentor know.



  • myExperience survey is now open

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 16 April 2021, 08:32:52 AM.

    Dear student,

    myExperience survey is now open. You can use this link:

    Just remember, because this term we let students to form teams across different tutorials, at the start of the survey you have to choose who your mentor is.
    The page should be something like this which let you choose your mentor.


  • Deliverable 4&5

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Friday 09 April 2021, 05:04:30 PM.

    The specs for Deliverables 4&5 is now available. You can view them here:

  • Week8 Demo timetable and zoom links

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Sunday 04 April 2021, 06:42:11 PM.


    Please use the link below to see the timetable for week8 demos.

    It is important that all students make an effort to attend as many presentations as possible.
    This timetable should be final. However, you might want to check it once again before attending another team's presentation as some minor changes might happen.


  • Writing good architecture diagrams

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 31 March 2021, 09:38:43 AM.

    Many people are confused about what is a good architecture diagram. I suggest to watch the following video:

  • Lecture Recording for Week7 Tuesday | Ali -Interface Design Lecture | Fethi -important lecture on deliverables + Q&A

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 30 March 2021, 04:39:35 PM.

    Hi please find the video recording for Week7 Tuesday below:

    Topic: Lectures | Tuesdays | Requirements and Design Workshop SENG2021

    Start Time : Mar 30, 2021 04:06 AM

    Meeting Recording:



  • Specs for Delivery 3 is now uploaded on webCMS

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Monday 29 March 2021, 08:39:05 PM, last modified Monday 29 March 2021, 08:39:17 PM.

    Specs for Delivery 3 is now uploaded on webCMS.

  • Week 7 lecture

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Monday 29 March 2021, 04:02:04 PM.

    There will be one lecture this week Tuesday 30 March 11-13:

    -Ali will explain basic concepts of UI/UX and give advice and tips on how to build a good user interface

    -I will talk about prototyping and do a Q&A afterwards.

    As before, you can join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

    Password: 467752

  • UNSW Digital Society Event on design thinking

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Thursday 25 March 2021, 02:50:08 PM.

    This workshop event is an introductory workshop about how to design applications based around user needs. This event will be a great opportunity for students who aspire to be software developers to think about the user perspective and to always develop the software with a user in mind.

    Our speaker will dive deep into how design thinking can be an iterative process, and be implemented into creating a portfolio. Especially in this day and age, portfolios are an integral part of personal branding.

    In Lectures (Week 7), 2 further promotional graphics have been attached. One’s the speaker post for providing more background context about the speaker and other is the general definition of what topic of design thinking encapsulates.

    Event link:

    Facebook Event:

    If you require any further information, please feel free to reach out to UNSW Digital Society <>.

  • ​Google Cloud Technical Series: Learn to build better, faster

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Friday 19 March 2021, 03:26:08 PM.

    This may be of interest to some of you:

    Accelerate your journey with the Cloud Technical Series. Join us for a deep dive on the latest cloud technologies through how-to technical workshops and hands-on sessions.

    Rapidly boost your knowledge on topics including getting started with Google Cloud, VM Migration, Data Analytics & Migration, GKE, Hybrid & Multi-Cloud, and AI & ML.

    Register now, and join one or multiple days to discover how to build better, faster, and at scale.

    event March 23, 2021 - March 26, 2021

  • Video recording of Week5 Day2 Lecture | March 18 | Lecture on Software Design

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Thursday 18 March 2021, 08:36:35 PM, last modified Thursday 18 March 2021, 10:53:30 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    Here is the video recording for Week1 Day2. Let me know if there is any issue. This lecture is extremely useful for your second deliverable.



  • Lecture on Design moved from Week 7 to this week (Thursday 18 March at 4pm)

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Tuesday 16 March 2021, 09:35:57 PM.

    I was planning to give a lecture on Design in Week 7 but I now realise it is a bit late given D2 deadline is Thursday. So I am planning to give it earlier this week on Thursday 18 March at 4pm. As it is recorded, don't worry if you can't attend it live, you can watch it anytime.

    For the lecture, you can join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

    Password: 940550

  • Deliverable 2 deadline will be Thursday Week 7 (not Friday)

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Monday 15 March 2021, 09:58:21 PM.

    Apologies, Friday Week 7 is a public holiday so the deadline for Deliverable 2 will be Thursday Week 7.

  • Deliverable 2 requirements have been published

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Friday 12 March 2021, 05:20:52 PM.

    See tab "Deliverable 2". Deadline Friday Week 7.

  • My Gitlab Account (gitlab)

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Thursday 11 March 2021, 09:22:58 PM.

    Dear teams,

    My gitlab and github account is:


    Armin (course admin)

  • Lecture by Amazon | Build and Deploy on AWS | Registration is Required

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Thursday 25 February 2021, 03:59:08 PM, last modified Friday 26 February 2021, 03:51:48 PM.

    Just a remind about today's guest lecture by Amazon.
    Registration is required. This lecture is not recorded.
    Attendance is voluntary.

    Implementing micro services on AWS, Friday 4-6 pm (Registration link: )<u></u>

  • Amazon lecture link

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Thursday 25 February 2021, 03:36:59 PM.

    The link in the flyer is the wrong one. you should use the following link to register: ster/2305622420594200333

  • Lecture by Amazon | Build and Deploy on AWS | Registration is Required

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 24 February 2021, 07:23:26 PM, last modified Thursday 25 February 2021, 10:26:02 PM.

    Hi all,

    We will have two guest lectures by Amazon this week. One is on Thursday and the other one is on Friday. Registration is required for these lectures and they are not recorded .

    Attending is voluntary but I strongly recommend all of you to attend if you can.

    Building Cloud-native web applications with AWS services, Thursday 4-6 pm (Registration link: )

    Implementing micro services on AWS, Friday 4-6 pm (Registration link: )

    Kind regards,


  • Video recording of Week2 Day1 Lecture

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 24 February 2021, 08:02:16 AM.

    Hello everyone,

    Here is the video recording for Week1 Day2. Let me know if there is any issue.

  • A complete guide on what you should do now and clarifying the group table

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 23 February 2021, 09:53:56 PM.

    Hi all,

    I want to clarify few things on the group table and explain in details what you should do. On the group table, you will see some groups with 5 or 6 members starting with X_, some groups with less than 5 members and some groups with no member. Here is what they should do.

    <><><>First kind, Groups which start with X_: I have explained what you should do through an email I sent you earlier. If you haven't received it, please let me know.

    <><><>Second kind, Groups with 5 > && 0 < people: These groups have some original members. These members filled a form and told me their group name, their preference and how many new member they are looking for. I chose "GroupName" group as an example now, because they are super cool. "GroupName" told me they are looking for one new member. I found one super cool student with the same time preference called "Avijit Prasad".

    "GroupName"'s new member is Avijit Prasad and it already has four "original" members. So they are a group of five members.

    Ok now, you might ask, what should they do?
    1 . "GroupName" should click on the Group Menu on left, and create a group called "GroupName" and every other member of it should join that group too.
    "GroupName" original members has already done it.

    2. Now Avijit, needs to click on Group from the left menu and find the "GroupName" group and Join them. Avijit can then e-meet them over there or email them. Avijit can find the email of each team member by clicking on their names.

    3. After Avijit met the other four cool member of the group, they all should contact their mentor, Giuseppe. They can find their mentor's email on the table I attached.

    * I chose GroupName and their new member as an example, first because they are cool, second because they are on the right track. They are so many other cool teams which are on the right track, but I had to pick one.

    <><><>Third Kind, Groups with no member on the table: These are the group that told me they are full and are not looking for any new member, like Stack_underflow. Teams of this kind should create their team on webCMS and each member should join it. They should then contact their mentor and arrange their meeting.

    * I chose Stack_underflow, first because they are cool, second because they are on the right track. They are so many other cool teams which are on the right track, but I had to pick one.

    Please let me know if you have any question.



  • Two things you need to do now. The Fifth DRAFT (Probably final) of timetable for your mentor sessions i

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 23 February 2021, 08:21:10 PM.

    Hi all,

    The fifth draft timetable for your groups is finally uploaded. You need to do two things now:

    1. Create or join your group on webCMS. If you haven't, do it now. For this you need to click on the "Groups" on the left menu. Then add yourself to your group or create your group if it is not there.

    2. Contact your mentor. On the timetable, you have the email address of your mentor. Please contact your mentor and set up your meeting time.


  • Zoom link of Tuesday lecture

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Tuesday 23 February 2021, 10:51:24 AM.

    Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

    Password: 467752

  • Deliverable 1 requirements have been published

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Tuesday 23 February 2021, 09:58:35 AM.

    Deadline is Friday Week 4.

  • The FOURTH DRAFT of timetable for your mentor sessions is uploaded

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Sunday 21 February 2021, 10:03:24 PM, last modified Monday 22 February 2021, 02:19:57 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    The Fourth draft of timetable for your mentor sessions is uploaded. I have received some emails. I have applied all the requests in this second draft.
    This is the second draft, which means it might still change. Let me know if you see any mistake in it.


  • A clarification on session timetable

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Sunday 21 February 2021, 04:20:15 PM.

    I think I need to make a clarification on why some groups have student names and some has nothing.

    In the example attached, you can see two teams, Team Melli and Attack on HD. The Team Melli team was looking for 3 new members, so I gave them new members who were looking to join a similar team. On the other hand, Attack on HD were a group of 5 from the start, so I did not gave them any new member.

    Let me know If you have any question.


  • Video recording of Week1 Day2 Lecture

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Thursday 18 February 2021, 08:20:21 PM, last modified Thursday 18 February 2021, 08:20:56 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    Here is the video recording for Week1 Day2. Let me know if there is any issue.


  • Fill this form if something has changed in your group since the last time you filled your group form.

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 17 February 2021, 10:36:51 PM.

    Hi all,

    Please fill the form below if your team has changed since the last time you filled your team form: "Requirements and Design Workshop SENG2021 21T1 - Finding your mentoring session time form". Changes can be anything. It can be that you now have 5 members and is no longer looking for a team mate, or even if you are separated or your time preference has changed.


  • If you filled the form " I am looking for a team" but now found your team, please fill this third fill.

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Wednesday 17 February 2021, 10:34:32 PM.


    I am receiving several emails from students who were first looking for a team and filled its related form but now found their team. Congrats.

    To make the process faster for me, I decided to create a third form. "Requirements and Design Workshop (SENG2021) - I was looking for team but now I found it.". Use this form if you entered your details into "Requirements and Design Workshop (SENG2021 21T) - Looking for a teammate form" but have found a team since then.

    If you have emailed me, please fill this form too. I believe forms are more reliable than emails.

    I will create a similar form but for teams and put it on the next notice.



  • Video recording of Week1 Day1 Lecture

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 16 February 2021, 04:53:59 PM.

    Hello everyone,

    Here is the video recording for Week1 Day1. Let me know if there is any issue.


  • There will be two SENG2021 lectures in both Weeks 1 and 2 delivered via Zoom

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Sunday 14 February 2021, 10:33:04 PM.

    here will be two SENG2021 lectures in both Weeks 1 and 2 delivered via Zoom:

    1. Tuesday 16 and 23 February 11am - 01pm

    You can join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android using the following link:

    Meeting ID: 895 4023 3864
    Password: 467752


    2. Thursday 18 and 25 February 4pm - 6 pm.

    Meeting ID: 869 5450 0120
    Password: 940550

    Mentoring will start in Week 2.Make sure you fill your choices for teams or indicate if you are looking for a team by Tuesday 16 February 5pm. Thanks!

  • Welcome to SENG2021 | Forming groups

    Posted by Armin Chitizadeh Tuesday 09 February 2021, 06:27:12 PM.

    Hello everyone!

    My name is Armin, and I am the course admin for this course. I will be helping the lecturer and mentors to run this course smoothly. You will see me putting new announcements and answering you on the forum.

    We are now in Week0 . For this week, I recommend you go through the course outline to understand what is expected of you in this course.

    We also want you to form into your groups. In this course, students from different tutorial sessions can join the same group. Each group should have 5 people normally (small variations are possible). If you know who you want to be in a group with, then you can simply click on the "Groups" on the left menu. If you have trouble finding enough team members, you can form "partial" groups of 2 or 3 people and we can help you fill your team with extra people.

    Once you created your complete or partial group and chose its name, you then need to let us know when you want your mentor session to be. For this purpose, only one person from your group needs to fill the form below (Requirements and Design Workshop SENG2021 21T1 - Finding your mentoring session time form).

    If you are looking to join a team, please fill the form below (Requirements and Design Workshop (SENG2021 21T) - Looking for a teammate form) . And we will place you in a team.

    Please let me know if you have any question.



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