
  • 📢 Sprint 1 Submission Update

    Posted by Mingqin Yu 3 days ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Hope you're all doing well with Sprint 1.

    There was a technical issue with the submission, but it has now been fixed. The Scrum Master can proceed with submitting the work before the deadline.

    Wishing you all the best with your teamwork! 🚀


  • 📢 Announcement: Week 3 Lecture Schedule

    Posted by Mingqin Yu 5 days ago.

    Hi everyone,

    A quick reminder about th e Week 3 lecture schedule :

    📌 Monday (Week 3) – Two Lectures
    1️⃣ "Testing Your API"
    🕚 Time: 11:10 AM – 12:00 PM

    2️⃣ "API Contract Testing"
    🕛 Time: Following the first lecture

    🚫 No Lecture on Thursday

    Make sure to attend both Monday lectures. The live stream will be on Moodle as usual.


  • 📢 Reminder: Group Information on Moodle

    Posted by Mingqin Yu 6 days ago.

    Hi everyone,

    A kind reminder to check your group information on Moodle:

    ✔ Ensure you have joined your team on Moodle.
    ✔ If you are not in the correct team, please contact your tutor ASAP.
    ✔ Scrum Masters should verify team members to ensure:

    • Everyone in the group is correctly listed.
    • There are no members incorrectly assigned to your team.
    • Any changes or updates are communicated to your tutor ASAP.

    For further assistance, you can also email .


  • Research Participation Opportunity – Assessment & Feedback Survey

    Posted by Mingqin Yu 6 days ago.

    Hi everyone,

    You are invited to participate in a UNSW research study on international students' experiences of and responses to assessment and feedback in Australian universities. This study is conducted by Alice Sunan( an associate lecturer (COMM1140) in the Business School and a PhD candidate in the School of Education) under the supervision of Professor Andy (Xuesong) Gao and Emeritus Professor Chris Davison.

    📌 Who can participate?
    This survey is open to international dual-degree students enrolled in this course.

    📌 Survey Details:

    • Estimated time required: 10–15 minutes
    • Confidentiality: All responses will be kept anonymous
    • Incentive: Participants will have a 1 in 10 chance to win a $10 Woolworths e-gift card

    🔗 Survey Link: Click here to participate

    Your participation would be greatly appreciated in helping to improve assessment and feedback experiences for international students.


  • Thursday lectures

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi 6 days ago.

    The first lecture will be delivered in person and the second one on-line. Both will be recorded. If you want watch the first ecture on-line, you can use link of the second lecture.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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