
  • Prize Winners

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    The winner of Optiver Prize is Meteorites (see photo on ). The winners of IMC prize are 1. Eleven51, 2. Alvin's Friends and 3.Team Rocket. The industry sponsors were impressed by the quality of the presentations. Thanks to everyone for making it a success.

  • Selected teams for Optiver prize

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara 8 years ago.

    Hi All,

    Here are the teams shortlisted for Optiver prize. Congratulations..!!!!

    1. -Eleven 51
    2. -Alvin’s Friends
    3. -See sharp
    4. -Meteorites
    5. -Team Rocket
    6. -Electric Boogaloo

    Teams will receive more details about the event.


  • Do Not Use Future Dates when accessing Alvin's Friend API

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara 8 years ago.


    The reams that are using the Alvin's Friend API, Do Not Use Future Dates when accessing as it tend to crash the server. It's unfair to the other team who use the API.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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