
  • Prize Winners

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Friday 09 June 2017, 09:37:05 AM, last modified Friday 09 June 2017, 09:54:52 AM.

    The winner of Optiver Prize is Meteorites (see photo on ). The winners of IMC prize are 1. Eleven51, 2. Alvin's Friends and 3.Team Rocket. The industry sponsors were impressed by the quality of the presentations. Thanks to everyone for making it a success.

  • Selected teams for Optiver prize

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Friday 26 May 2017, 01:23:09 PM.

    Hi All,

    Here are the teams shortlisted for Optiver prize. Congratulations..!!!!

    1. -Eleven 51
    2. -Alvin’s Friends
    3. -See sharp
    4. -Meteorites
    5. -Team Rocket
    6. -Electric Boogaloo

    Teams will receive more details about the event.


  • Do Not Use Future Dates when accessing Alvin's Friend API

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Friday 26 May 2017, 10:57:05 AM.


    The reams that are using the Alvin's Friend API, Do Not Use Future Dates when accessing as it tend to crash the server. It's unfair to the other team who use the API.

  • Deadline extended for report submission

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Thursday 25 May 2017, 09:47:03 AM.

    Dear All,

    The report submission deadline is extended to Monday (29th) 7 p.m. for all teams

    We will announce the selected teams for the Optiver prize tomorrow. They will get an extra 1 week extension for report submission, that is 5th June 7 p.m.).



  • Week 12 Checklist

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Tuesday 23 May 2017, 09:36:17 PM.

    -Week 12 presentations will be given according to the same timetable as Week 10 (remember that there are two rooms booked),

    -Week 12 report due Friday 7pm

  • Improvement to the Alvin's Friends API

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Monday 22 May 2017, 01:49:57 PM.

    Hi All,

    Alvin's Friends had gone further and utilised Eleven 51's API in order to cater for both American and Australian Companies (pretty much simulating what we had before Yahoo Finance went down). Big thanks for them.

    Example Request:;AAPL&dateOfInterest=2012-12-10&listOfVars=AV_Return;CM_Return&upperWindow=5&lowerWindow=3

    The rest of documentation is the same as their website which has been updated with v5 @ .

    Note: Do not recommend anyone to load test it since it hasn't been fully tested properly.

  • An stock market data API from Eleven51

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Monday 22 May 2017, 11:34:37 AM.

    Hi All,

    Eleven51 have developed an stock market data API which use almost the exact same format as the original CSE api. We appreciate the effort.

    It's undocumented, but here is a brief intro of it.

    1. Only one company name at a time.
    2. the two fields following are the starting and ending dates (They are optional)
      1. Valid query including: and no error handling has been done.
      2. The API might be fragile as we planned to use it for our own webapp and just did some basic testing on it.

    It contains Australia company data as well, if other teams want to use that data in their APIs or applications.

  • Alternative solution for accessing historical market data

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Monday 22 May 2017, 09:29:32 AM.

    Dear All,

    Alvin's Friends team has come up with a good alternative solution for accessing historical market data, using the data from Google Finance. The limitation is that Google API only works with American Companies and not the ASX.

    Feel free to use this if it suits your application purposes.

    Their API is available at: .

  • Access Cached Finance Data from SeeSharp API

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Thursday 18 May 2017, 10:48:54 AM.

    Hi All,

    As you already know, the CSE finance API is down (due to a problem in the Yahoo API), collapsing all the APIs that calculate returns.

    We are grateful that the Team SeeSharp has come up with a temporary solution by collecting all the data they had in Cache.

    SeeSharp home page provides information about the situation and companies that are accessible in their cache:

    You can use those data for the analytic application, at least for the time being.

    Also, a new list of topic codes which may be useful is published on the resources at course page week 1.



  • Week 11 Checklist

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 17 May 2017, 08:27:37 AM.

    -Last mentoring session will take place today

    -Feedback on Week 10 demos will be given

  • Week 12 demo and report requirements

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Sunday 14 May 2017, 06:00:38 PM.

    The requirements for the final demo and report have been uploaded (under Lectures Week 12).

  • Week 10 presentations

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 10 May 2017, 08:21:51 AM.

    -Week 10 presentations will be given according to the timetable

    -Remember that there are two rooms booked, make sure you go to the correct room

    -You are welcome to attend as many as presentations as possible

  • Congratulations for the teams shortlisted for IMC prize

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Friday 05 May 2017, 02:15:07 PM, last modified Friday 05 May 2017, 02:15:29 PM.

    The selected teams are:

    • Alvin’s Friend
    • Eleven 51
    • Team Rocket

  • Week 9 checklist

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 03 May 2017, 11:29:35 AM.

    -Mentoring will happen at the normal time

    -Feedback on Week 8 testing report will be given during mentoring session

    -Next week's demos requirements and timetable have been posted under Week 10 lectures

  • Week 8 Checklist

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 26 April 2017, 09:57:42 AM.

    -Mentoring will take place at the normal time on Wednesday

    -Week 8 testing report due on Thursday 5pm

  • Sharing Team Websites

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Wednesday 12 April 2017, 02:25:56 PM.

    Web site URLs of all teams are now published under week 7.

    Use them for testing and platform development.

  • Topic codes for news API

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Wednesday 12 April 2017, 01:56:46 PM.

    A list of topi codes that are used for News API is posted under week 1 with API specifications.

    As it is an excel file, you can download it, but may not be able to preview.

  • Week 7 checklist

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 12 April 2017, 08:22:35 AM.

    -Mentoring will take place in normal time

    -Week 7 deliverable due this Thursday 5pm

    -Week 8 deliverable has been posted

    -Complete application spec has been posted

  • Testing Report Requrements

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Tuesday 11 April 2017, 08:09:14 PM.

    The specifications for the week 8 testing report requirements are published under week 7.

  • ​Analytics Platform Specifications

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Tuesday 11 April 2017, 01:49:08 PM.

    Analytics Platform Specifications are now available under Week 7.

    Feel free to discuss with your mentor about any clarifications/feedback tomorrow at the mentoring session.

  • Marking Guideline for the Week 7 Deliverable

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Sunday 09 April 2017, 02:22:00 PM.

    The marking criteria would be as follows:

    1. Fixing up last deliverable w/ feedback + improvements/additions

    2. (Documentation) Website update

    3. GUI

    4. Representation of Data/Output

    Brief explanation about each criteria :

    1. Fixing up last deliverable w/ feedback + improvements/additions - This involves incorporating feedback (if any) from the previous deliverable, adding extra functionality to your service, and making them publically available.

    2. (Documentation) Website update - Align with the first criterion, make sure anything new is well documented!

    3. GUI - Refers to the quality of the user interface i.e. is it obvious how to use it? is it aesthetically pleasing? Etc.

    While it is not possible to create something perfect by the deadline, develop with the understanding and intention that you want someone to use your application.

    4. Representation of Data - This is different from GUI and about how the data is visualised/displayed in a way(s) that are readable and useful to people.

    Closing notes

    We have left off the weightings in this document to keep you all on your toes.

    Also know that whatever you have built for this deliverable, YOU WILL BE EXPANDING UPON IT, during the semester. So please keep that in mind with respect to how to develop your application (and your use of screen real estate).

    Any questions about the contents of this document can go to

    Any questions about how to best meet the criteria should go to your mentor.

  • Week 6 Checklist

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 05 April 2017, 08:10:55 AM.

    -mentoring will take place at the normal timetable time today

    -mentors would be giving feedback about the deliverables in week four and week five

    -specification about week seven deliverable will be posted today

  • Demonstration Schedule for Week 10 and 12

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Thursday 30 March 2017, 09:19:51 AM.

    Demonstration Schedule for Week 10 and 12 are available under Week 10, Lectures page.

    Check the time slots assigned for your team and let your mentors know if there is any conflict.

  • Week 5 checklist

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 29 March 2017, 10:40:23 AM.

    This Wednesday, there is no mentoring. The programme is:

    -2-3: Guest lecture by Suncorp

    -3-4: Guest lecture by IMC

    -4-5: Open session

    Remember, 1st prototype due by Thursday 5pm.

  • Update for API 1 Specs

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Wednesday 29 March 2017, 09:23:44 AM.

    Hi Teams,

    I modified the example calculation table of API 1 spec appendix 6.2. The percentage of return is calculated by dividing the difference of prices by previous day price, as explained in introduction section 2 and table on page 2. But in the appendix, there was a mistake in the calculation of return(%), now it is fixed and updated.

  • API 2 News API Query

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Friday 24 March 2017, 05:49:37 PM.

    For the teams working on News API,

    If you are having syntax errors, when copy, paste and try from PDF specification, use this text file.

  • Minor updates on API 1 and 3

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Thursday 23 March 2017, 09:26:05 AM.

    In API 1 parameters for upper and lower windows (page 7) are updated to be positive numbers, so it is compatible with calculation on page 6.

    In API 3 the output parameter 'date' is updated to be the last day of each month.

  • Week 4 checklist

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 22 March 2017, 12:32:24 PM.

    -Mentoring will take place during normal time

    -Initial report and Web site due on Thursday

    -Spec for Week 5 deliverable has been posted

  • Minor Update to API 3 Specs

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Wednesday 22 March 2017, 09:49:26 AM.

    The table describing parameters at section 5.2 was updated. There are 5 parameters.

  • API 1 and 3 Specification Update

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Monday 20 March 2017, 10:21:51 AM.


    Following changes are done for API 1 and 3 specs.

    Returns API: Updated the input parameters of upper and lower window of sample input.

    Statistics API: Updated the URL and explanation of section 5.1, Included NT (norther territories) to the list of territories that can be used as input for the ABS Stat API, Fixed a typo in section 3 input parameter "category" - "OtherManucacturedArticles"

  • API Allocation is Published

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Thursday 16 March 2017, 04:39:53 PM.

    Hi Teams,

    I published the API allocations for each team, in Lectures page under week 3. When there were multiple choices for the same API, a random allocation was done according to the preferences.

    Another note - Some of you asked about the 1st requirement of your initial report due on week 4 - whether you should develop a stand-alone application as well. You all should develop a REST API, but if you can run it as a stand-alone application as well, it is fine. As 5th week deliverable, you can demonstrate the functionalities through a standalone module if REST API may require further work.

  • Update of API2:News Spec

    Posted by Madhushi Bandara Wednesday 15 March 2017, 12:50:35 PM.

    The return format of JSON file is updated to produce a list of InstrumentIDs and TopicCodes related to each news item.

  • Week 3 Checklist

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Wednesday 15 March 2017, 12:03:43 PM.

    -Check the mentoring timetable (under Lectures -> Week 3) and be sure you are on time

    -During the mentoring session, discuss which API you want to tackle, preferably giving two choices.

    -Look at Deliverable 1 spec which is due Thursday week 4. You will need to deliver a small report and have a team website up and running.

  • Week 3 mentoring timetable has been updated

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Monday 13 March 2017, 12:16:51 PM.

    If there are any issues or if your team is not listed, let me know.

  • Mentoring Timetable Updated

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Friday 10 March 2017, 11:39:54 AM.

    This takes into account various requests. If you are not on the timetable, please let us know ASAP.

  • Week 2 lectures programme

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Tuesday 07 March 2017, 11:07:50 PM.

    -Guest lecture by Optiver

    -Lecture on software components

    -Open session (confirming teams, Q/A)

  • Week 3 Provisional mentoring timetable has been released

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Tuesday 07 March 2017, 11:06:03 PM.

    See Week 3 under Lectures. There are many teams that have not formed yet. Please ensure you do it as soon as possible.

  • First lecture

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi Monday 20 February 2017, 09:17:39 AM, last modified Monday 20 February 2017, 09:18:00 AM.

    This will take place on Wednesday 1 March between 2-4pm in Mathews 310

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