
  • Invitation to participate in research on assessment and feedback

    Posted by Grace Kan a day ago.

    Researchers from UNSW are conducting a project about international students’ experience of assessment and feedback in the context of cross-disciplinary studies.

    The research study is looking to recruit people who meet the following criteria:

    • International students
    • Doing a dual degree at Australian universities

    Participation in this research will take approximately 10-15 minutes. To acknowledge your time and effort, participants can expect a one in ten chance of receiving a $10 Woolworths e-gift card as remuneration for completing the survey.

    If you decide to take part in the research, you can access the survey via the link or the QR code below .

    More information is available here .

    Thank you in advance!

  • Week 3 Notice

    Posted by Grace Kan 2 days ago, last modified 2 days ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Hope week 2 has been going well for you! Here are some updates from our end:

    🛑 No Lectures in Week 3

    We will not be holding any lectures this week. We hope that this gives you more time to work on this Sprint! This won't mean that there will be no new resources to help you. We will still be supporting you through the EdStem Forum, so please make sure to ask your questions there.

    🌥️ First Technical Guide - Learner Lab Guide

    From the feedback received so far, I've decided to release a new series of Technical Guides similar to the resources we put out last year for SENG2021. I'll be creating a series of very basic documentation and/or videos to help with this course. Please keep in mind that, while we can’t provide support for every platform and framework, we’ll do our best to share helpful resources to guide you in the right direction. This resource is primarily designed to support struggling students. We encourage everyone to conduct their own research and explore beyond what’s provided!

    The first of these guides is now available on EdStem to help you get set up with Learner Lab, see this link .

    💰 AWS Budget Management

    Managing your budget on Learner Lab is extremely important because once you run out of the $50 USD that has been allocated to you, the services you may have spent time creating will be gone . We do NOT take responsibility for anything that happens if you exceed the budget. That being said, there are a few strategies to help you available on the guide here .

    🎤 Week 3 Tutorials

    In this week's tutorials, your tutors will check in on your progress with your Engineering Proposals. Feel free to ask them to provide feedback or bounce some ideas off them. Note that your tutors can't "draft mark" your work (as in give a draft grade e.g. 75/100), but they can point you in the correct direction.

    Once again, n ote that we do NOT allow tutors to give feedback on these outside of tutorials , so this is valuable time!

    ✍️ Feedback

    We are constantly working to enhance this course and provide the support you need. Your feedback is invaluable—whether it's about resources you'd like to see or areas where we can improve. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts using the feedback form here . We actively review and implement suggestions, so you can expect to see improvements soon.

    Once again, don’t forget to post any questions you have on our EdStem forum!

  • Encouraging students to attend lectures in person

    Posted by Fethi Rabhi 8 days ago.

    A reminder that although the lectures are also provided on-line, please make every effort to attend in person.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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