
  • Feedback meeting

    Posted by Imran Razzak 2 years ago.

    Regarding the marks of earlier report, I have marked all task and compiled your grades already, except final report (which is due soon). You may book a meeting with me to discuss feedback if you wish. I would also like to take a moment to acknowledge the excellent work you have all done thus far. Your dedication and efforts have been truly commendable, and I greatly admire your hard work. Now, it's time to focus on your final report. Please take a moment to relax and concentrate on delivering an outstanding piece of work. If you need any assistance or have any queries, feel free to reach out to me.



  • Final Placement Report & Sponsor Evaluation Career Manager

    Posted by Imran Razzak 2 years ago.

    Hi Alli,

    Reminder for Final placement report. Also reminder for "Sponsor Evaluation Career Manager "

    You must have to complete the sponsor evaluation form which you can find in Career Manager (Co-op platform). You need to send the link via platform to your supervisor to complete”. <o:p></o:p>

    I have marked your earlier report, you may message me and set up a meeting to discuss.


  • Final report Due Date

    Posted by Imran Razzak 2 years ago.

    Dear All,

    Though, the final report due data is 19th June, However, you may submit with in one week of Final Presentation.

    Beside, I would like to remind you that “You must have to complete the sponsor evaluation form which you can find in Career Manager (Co-op platform). You need to send the link via platform to your supervisor to complete”.

    Else, your grades won’t change until their sponsor evaluation forms have been completed.


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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