Hi All,
SENG3994 Project Proposal / Sponsor Organisation Analysis is due (dates are flexible), Please send me via email at imran.razzak@unsw.edu.au.
Would like to remind you that we do have our fortnightly session, you may join or you may book a separate meeting.
I have setup or last meeting for SENG 3993, Tuesday 1:00PM. Looking forward
Hi All,
We will have our fortnight meetings ( https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:mee... ) starting from 12th June. You will receive meeting invitation soon.
Hello everyone, and welcome to SENG 3994!
A more comprehensive notice will be sent out once the term "officially" begins in next week in Week 01, but in the interim there are a few things to familiarise yourselves with:
I hope you will enjoy the industrial placement in your program.
That's all we have for now. Talk again soon.
Imran Razzak