
  • Final Thesis Report Due Date

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago.

    The due date/time for your final thesis report is Tuesday Week 13 11:59pm. Submit it via myCSE.

  • Testing WebCMS3 mail-out to Thesis students

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Hello, everyone,

    Decided to test WebCMS3 notices. Could you be a good CSE citizen and post a message on the Forum page if you got my message (about Thesis B presentations). Many thanks. Helen

  • Thesis B Presentations

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    Dear Thesis B students, supervisors and assessors,

    As outlined in the previous email (see below), Thesis B students are
    required to give a final presentation of their work, which is now assessed
    (20% of thesis B mark). This is to be done by Week 11.

    The presentation session is organised by the student, supervisor and
    assessor. It won’t be centrally timetabled like Thesis A. The student is
    welcome to invite other students.

    Note that the presentation should be structured and provide some background
    to the project, a demo of the system, evaluation results, and conclusion.
    If theoretical work, presentation of the work/results can be included
    instead of a demo.

    The Student Office will send out more information and a link to a new
    marking system soon. All assessment records for the demo should be entered
    in the system by the end of Week 11.

    Hello Thesis B students and staff,

    Now that Thesis B has officially started, I thought I’d remind you all of
    the changes introduced to Thesis B assessment items (listed below).

    1. Demonstration/Presentation of the work (20%).

    This assessment item is to be completed by Week 11. Whether the work is
    practical (i.e., some systems developed), or theoretical, every student is
    now required to do a final thesis presentation and will be assessed.

    2. Final Thesis Report (80%)

    This is the final thesis report. It weighs less than before overall. But no
    doubt, it is the most important assessment item.

    3. 150-word abstract submission

    This is not assessed, but is required to be submitted at the same time as
    the report. Of course, this abstract can be the same as the abstract
    included in the report itself. We are just collecting them separately for
    future use.

    If you have any questions please email me at
    thesis-coordinator@cse.unsw.<wbr> .

    The Thesis Coordinator

  • Thesis B Deadlines ...

    Posted by Helen Paik 9 years ago.

    Hello Thesis Part B Students,

    Welcome to CSE Thesis Part B for s2, 2016. Read this email carefully as
    you will not be receiving reminders.

    Important dates for your diary:

    * Demo Week: 4/10/2016 - 7/10/2016

    * Report Due On: 25/10/2016

    * Showcase: 27/10/2016

    We recommend that you subscribe to our thesis Google calendar so you can
    plan ahead:<wbr><wbr>engineering/about-us/<wbr>organisational-structure/<wbr>student-services/unsw-<wbr>computing-calendar-of-just-<wbr>about-everything

    Reports are submitted in myCSE (log in using your zID):

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