
  • CSE Thesis Showcase - 26th October from 4:30pm K17 Level 1

    Posted by Helen Paik 7 years ago, last modified 7 years ago.

    Here is the list of final Thesis Showcase participants. Let us all congratulate them on their achievements. Please come along to the showcase this week and see what they have done. Very interesting and practical applications and some hot trending topics on the show.

    • Albert Newton KERR: Privacy-preserving cloud services for Internet of Things
    • Lawrence Yi Liang LING and Alen BOU-HAIDAR: Assignment Submission and Assessment for WebCMS3
    • Kelvin Chak Fung LI and Yan Chi KU: Software Licensing with Smart Contracts on the Blockchain
    • Jerome SAMIR: Development of a web based tool for analysis of T cell receptors
    • Adam Samuel FELIZZI: Qubes on seL4
    • Nethan Tri Hien TRAN and Angus Kwun Hei YUEN: App for promoting health eating in childhood cancer survivors
    • Sara KATO: Smartphone app for activity classification and fall detection
    • Abhinav KISHORE: Cloud-based computing for massively parallel single-cell genomic analysis

  • Thesis B web site

    Posted by Helen Paik 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.


    The course web site for Thesis B is now updated and be accessible at:

    Make sure that you are aware of the deliverables and deadlines. If you are enrolled in COMP4941, discuss the extra requirement as outlined in the course intro.

    Good luck.


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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