For Week 9, 10 and 11, I will be running assignment group work mentoring sessions. You must attend at least two out of three offered. Email me to make a booking for each week . A session may be 30 mins, up to an hour depending on what you want to talk about. You can ask anything from the lectures or the assignment.


from 10am till 2pm Level 4 meeting rooms

from 3pm onwards, MAT 303

Week 9 (Thursday) Week 10 (Thursday) Week 11 (Thursday)
10:00am XXX 10:00am Driven 10:00am Drive
11:00am XXX 11:00am XXX 11:00am Code4Food
12:00pm groupgroup 12:00pm groupgroup 12:00pm groupgroup
1:00pm XXX 1:00pm number one group 1:00pm number one group
3:00pm Group 42 3:00pm Group 42 3:00pm Group 42
4:00pm FateZero 4:00pm M10 4:00pm M10
5:00pm M10 5:00pm Code4Food 5:00pm XXX
6:00pm XXX 6:00pm FateZero 6:00pm FateZero

Resource created 9 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.


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