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Wargame 4 Spec (Draft)

Wargame 4 contains 3 heap related challenges.

The following wargames will provide you with exercises where you will be required to reverse the binary, figure out the vulnerability and write an exploit.

Please use the techniques learned in the lectures/seminars to exploit the challenges provided. These challenges closely mimic those that will be present in your final exam. If you are able to complete the challenges, you should be fine with the practical assessments in class (the exams).

Due Date : 2nd October 2018


Challenge Ref Binary Name Address
heap-1 babys_first_1
heap-2 babys_first_2
heap-3 babys_first_3


As per the course outline, all the wargames collectively will be worth 20% of your final mark. Hence this set of wargames will be worth 5%. Challenges in each wargame are weighted equally.

Breakdown of marking criteria coming soon.


A markdown document (.md) containing the following for each challenge.

  • Steps to exploit
  • Script/command used
  • Flag

Please keep your steps and scripts well formatted and concise. Example coming soon.

You can give via the make submission tab located at sort of the top of the page

Resource created 7 years ago, last modified 6 years ago.


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