COMP2511 21T2 Final Exam Structure

This shows the structure, format and approximate mark allocations of the exam.

Practice Questions are now available.

There are three parts,

Exam Conditions


Important Information for Online Assessments

Before your final exam, you must read the section "Important Information for Online Assessments" available on the Special Consideration webpage. It offers information on what you should do if you experience a technical issue that is beyond your control and impacts on your ability to complete an assessment, and the other related topics. In particular, how and what to document for a special consideration application.

Please also read the check list provided by UNSW Student Services & Systems, click here .

During the Exam

If you have a question or need a clarification during the exam, you can make a PRIVATE post on the Ed forum. Do not send a message to the lecturer (or tutors), you may not get a response.

When posting a message to the forum, it's important that you provide all the required details. Failure to do this may result in delays in responding to your queries.

To ensure that you are as prepared for your online exam as you can be, make sure you check each point listed in the "Online Exam Preparation Checklist". In particular, read the following sections:

Part 1: Multiple Choice (20 marks)

There will be approximately 10 to 15 multiple choice questions. The marks for each question may vary. Part 1 uses Moodle Quiz module. You can attempt multiple times. Your final selections will be marked. Make sure to "Finish attempt" and also "Submit all and Finish".

Part 2: Short Answer (25 marks)

Part 2 uses Moodle Short Answer module. You need to submit your answers following the required instructions on Moodle.

Please carefully read the instructions provided in the questions. For example, you may be required to briefly explain/justify one or two or three most important points in your answer. You do not need to write a long description in your answer.

Part 3 (of 3): Programming Questions (55 marks)

There will be 4 to 5 questions in this part.

You can use VLab or your own machine. You need to submit your answer files using the provided instructions in the respective questions (using the provided give command or via WebCMS). All answers must be submitted online.

Question One (16 marks)

Given a problem specification, model an Object-Oriented Design for a possible solution. If suitable, you must use a Design Pattern(s) taught in the course in your solution.

You will need to provide the following:

For this question:

You need to submit the required files using the provided give command or via WebCMS.

Question Two (12 marks)

Given a problem specification, implement a solution in Java. The problem will involve Generic Programming and implementing a Class given a contract.

You need to submit the required files using the provided give command or via WebCMS.

Question Three (15 marks)

Given a problem specification, implement your solution using a suitable design pattern (one of the design patterns discussed in the course). You need to implement the following and also provide a brief justification for your selected Design Pattern in your solution:

For this question:

You need to submit the required files using the provided give command or via WebCMS.

Question Four (12 marks)

You will be provided with a problem, and an existing solution to that problem which contains a series of Design Smells. Your task will be to refactor the code, both at low-level (code level) and if required at high-level (use a design pattern(s) discussed in the course).

You need to do the following:

For this question:

You need to submit the required files using the provided give command or via WebCMS.
