COMP1911 23T2 Introduction to Programming
  1. What is your tutor's name, e-mail, how long have they been at UNSW, what are they studying, what is 1 interesting thing about them?

  2. What are your class mates's names, what are they each studying, what is 1 interesting thing about each of them?

  3. Are there any marks for attending lectures, tutorials or labs?

  4. Where is the CSE Help desk and what do they help with?

  5. How do I find COMP1911 on Moodle?

  6. What is an operating system?
    What operating systems are running in your tute room?
    What operating system do CSE lab computers run?

  7. On windows, is the control panel and file explorer part of the list of applications, or part of the operating system?

  8. What is a file in the context of computers? What kind of files are used in COMP1911?

  9. What is a file extension? Do they matter?

  10. If I have written a fantastic C program in a file named stuff.c how could I execute it to show it off to my friends?

  11. What is the difference between gcc and dcc?

  12. What is a text file? Give examples of text and non-text files.

  13. What is an editor used for in COMP1911? How many editors are installed on CSE lab machines? Which one is recommended for COMP1911 students?

  14. What is machine code? Why does a COMP1911 student need machine code, how to they create it and where to they keep it?

  15. What are some basic Linux commands do you need to know to do the complete the first COMP1911 labs, and what do they do?

  16. Discuss the following features of the sample program from lectures:

    // Author: Hayden Smith (
    // Date created: February 2019
    // My first C program
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main (void) {
        printf ("COMP1911 is my favourite computing course!\n");
        return 0;
    • the \n

    • Comments: What should go in a comment? What makes a good comment? How do comments improve program style?

    • Indenting and whitespace: What is indented in the sample program? Suggest why.

  17. Is the style-guide a good recommendation for how to write clean code?

  18. Write a C program, face0.c, that behaves as follows:
    ~ ~
    0 0

    How would you compile this program?

    How could we modify it to make a program, face1.c, look like this instead?
    ~ ~
    0 0