What would you like to do in revision lectures in week 6?

Keep in mind that by university rules I cannot introduce new content in these lectures. So we will simply be using the skills, tools and techniques which we have already learnt in lectures.

Go through labs for weeks 1-4 (or 2-4) and explain how to solve the questions.

  • Students will be able to submit specific questions they'd like to go through.
  • I cannot do week 5 onwards as those are only due after the break.

Do some other exercises involving programming and website building. (Analyse Elon Musk's existing tweets and use them to generate tweets which look like he wrote them. Make a website which presents users with a real tweet and one of our generated ones and they have to guess which one is the real one. Use this to evaluate how well we have approximated his tweets.)

Other (please contact me through the forums with your ideas).

You can't submit an answer to this poll because you're not part of this course!

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