
  • Supplementary Exam and Second Attempt at hurdle

    Posted by Sim Mautner 3 years ago.

    Hello everyone,

    I'm sorry it's taken me so long to sort out all your marks.

    Everyone who received a pass or above, well done.

    For everyone else, I will be sending you through an e-mail by the end of today specifying if you have qualified for a second attempt at the hurdle (or not), and the specifics of that.

    Both the Supplementary Exam and the Second Attempt to pass the course will be held on Thursday 26th May 2pm-5pm.

    Please let me know asap if you are unable to do it at that time. (It is at the same time as the supplementary exam for this course, so I'm hoping you will be available.)

    It is also up to you if you take this opportunity or not. It would be helpful for me if you let me know asap if you intend to take this opportunity or not.



  • Finalising of Grades - Let me know if anything's missing

    Posted by Sim Mautner 3 years ago.

    Hello everyone,

    As we finish up the term, I am doing my best to ensure that everyone's grades are in the grades system. Often though, despite all my best efforts, a couple fall through the gaps. It would help me if everyone could please check that all their grades (except for the final exam) are correct, and contact me if anything is missing or incorrect.


  • Late Exam Submissions

    Posted by Sim Mautner 3 years ago.

    I've received a couple messages from students who submitted 5 minutes late or less due to connection difficulties.

    While I may be inclined to apply some penalty to students submitting after the deadline (in order to keep it fair to students who left more time to submit before the deadline), please be reassured that this penalty will not significantly affect your exam grade. At the moment I'm considering taking 1 or 2 marks off their total mark (out of 45) for students who submitted more than 1 minute late and less than 6 minutes late.

    (I am open to hearing from students if there are any suggestions for a more fair approach to this situation.)

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There is nothing due!


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