
  • Demonstrations this Friday

    Posted by Sim Mautner 11 months ago.

    Hi everyone,

    This is a reminder that this Friday is the day for project demonstrations.

    1. Here is the Demonstration Time Schedule . Please check you have been scheduled and you're available for the whole 1 hour of your timeslot.
    2. If you find you don't have a time, or the time you have been allocated is no longer suitable for you, please fill out the Demonstration Time Preference Form .

    For more information about the purpose and format of the demonstrations, please view the Demonstration Information page.

    I'm looking forward to seeing most of you on Friday.



  • Public Holiday tomorrow

    Posted by Sim Mautner 11 months ago.

    Hi everyone,

    Due to the public holiday tomorrow (Monday 1st April) there will be no lecture. The lecture to replace this one will be held on Thursday 4th April, 12pm-2pm and a recording uploaded to the YouTube playlist for anyone who can't make it.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I'll see you on Tuesday.



  • Revision? Or move forward with new content?

    Posted by Sim Mautner 12 months ago.

    Would you like some more revision and practice this week? Or are you ready for the new material? Let me know here:

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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