
  • Good Luck with the exam

    Posted by Hailun Tan 7 years ago.

    Dear students,

    Good luck in the exam tomorrow.

    Make sure you read the exam questions carefully. Even a single punctuation will make the answers to the questions significantly different.

    If you still have something unclear about this subject, please drop me an email.

  • An update on the answers to the weekly quizzes

    Posted by Hailun Tan 7 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Please be advised that there are updates in the answer sheet:

    1. "Week 5 - class introduction", question 5, the correct answer should be: A - "The name of the student being called is Fred" rather than B - "The name of the student being called is Alpha" in the earlier version.
    2. "Week 10 - 2D array", question 6, the correct answer should be B- stuff = new long[5][7]; rather than C - stuff = long[5][7] in the earlier version.

    Thanks for Hanwen, Jiahua and Anna to point out these errors in the answer sheet.

  • an update on Thursday's consultation

    Posted by Hailun Tan 7 years ago.

    Dear Students,

    Due to some unexpected situation, I would hold the consultation today from 4:00PM to 5:00PM in the same room before.

    Sorry for such short notice.

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