
  • COMP1511 Provisional Marks Available

    Posted by Andrew Taylor 8 years ago.

    Provisional COMP1511 marks are now available here or via WEBCMS or by running
    /home/cs1511/bin/classrun -sturec
    on a CSE machine.

    The field " provisional_final_mark " contains what I expect to be your final mark for COMP1511.

    Hopefully "provisional_final_mark" contains a mark >= 50 and a grade of PS, CR, DN or HD. If so (provisionally) you
    have met all hurdles and other requirements and have passed COMP1511 - congratulations, COMP1511 was a tough course and many of you had to work very hard over the past months to get here.

    Particular congratulations to the top 10 COMP1511 students

    Declan McDonnell
    I Su Park
    Tianyi Zheng
    Nicholas Hiebl
    James O'Brien
    Ian Thorvaldson
    Alvin Sho
    Michael Kedar
    Junjun Pan
    Kevin Luong

    Declan, Tianyi, Nicholas & James solved q7 on the exam which is very impressive under exam pressure.

    Also a mention to Maxwell Goodbury, I Su Park & Joshua Brown for full marks for part 1 of the final exam.

    If your assignment 2 mark still shows as '?', the hand marking of your assignment 2 has not been completed. Your provisional mark has been calculated using an estimate of your assignment 2 mark. The hand marking should be completed soon. Your provisional mark will then change, but in most cases only by a 1-2 marks.

    Provisional marks can also change, for example when calculation errors are discovered but so far I've never changed a provisional PS to a FL.

    If your " provisional_final_mark " field contains the grade " WD " this indicates your COMP1511 mark and grade is yet to be determined. Other fields will explain why.

    If the field " supp_exam_offered " contains the value " yes " then its because you've been being offered the opportunity to sit a supplementary exam. There are 2 possible reasons for this:

    1)You were absent from the final exam due to illness etc - the supplementary exam is used in place of the final exam to calculate your final mark.


    2) You have not met the requirements to pass COMP1511 but are being another opportunity to meet these requirements and pass COMP1511. If you do not take this opportunity you will not pass COMP1511.

    Note if you sat the final exam can not raise your mark beyond 50 no matter how good your performance on the supplementary exam is . If you already have a mark >50 but need to complete a hurdle, a successful supplementary exam will not raise your mark (but it will allow you to pass!)

    The supplementary exam will be held on Thursday 20 July. The format will be similar to the final exam (but no skeleton sorry). It is tentatively scheduled for 9:45-13:00 J17 Level 3. You will be emailed exact details of location & time by Tuesday 18 July.

    If you missed the final exam,

    If you took the final exam, If the field " supp_exam_offered " contains the value " no ", you have not met the conditions described in the course outline to be offered a supplementary exam. If you were planning to take COMP courses in session 2 you will need to change your enrollment. The CSE Student Office can provide advice.

    If the field " supp_exam_offered " contains the value " not applicable ", you don't need a supplementary exam (you've passed!).

    I have withheld the marks of a small number of students due to concerns that their assignment contains work that is not their own.

    If the field " plagiarism_investigation " contains " ass1 " or " ass2 " you should have email from me and your grade will be "WD". Please read the email carefully.

    For most students the " plagiarism_investigation " field is empty (contains ".") and can be ignored. In other words unless " plagiarism_investigation " contain " ass1 " or " ass2 " you have nothing to worry about.

    Some further information.

    COMP1511 marks were scaled slightly up to get the PS/CR PS/FL boundaries to appropriate positions. Your marks for the individual exam questions are visible to you with your assignment & lab marks. I don't release exam questions or answers (yours or mine). Your answers were all run through a series of tests. These included tests you hadn't seen. If you scored less than full marks for an exam question, your answer must have failed at least one test. No one lost marks for an answer that passed all tests.

    Unfortunately I'll be overseas from Thursday until Monday 17 July and unable to respond to questions about COMP1511. I will respond to questions when I return and I will then amend your mark if your assessment is incorrect or unfair. I'll will also announce office time to allow you to view the marking of your COMP1511 exam or discuss your assessment in person. Feel free to ask questions in the class forums if tutors or other students may be able to answer.


  • Seating Allocation

    Posted by Mei Cheng Whale 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.

    If you are allocated to afternoon exam in Tabla or Drum or Oud lab, please go to J17 G02 at 12:15.

    No change to other students seating information.

    The Seating Allocation has been updated.

  • Final Exam Part 1 Skeleton Available

    Posted by Andrew Taylor 8 years ago.

    A skeleton for the final exam part 1 is available here

    Sorry it doesn't reveal much.

    Please don't email me questions about the exam, they must go in the forum where all students can see my answer.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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