
  • COMP1511 19T2

    Posted by Andrew Bennett 6 years ago.

    The web page for COMP1511 19T2 is located at:

  • Office Time To Inspect COMP1511 Exam Marking

    Posted by Andrew Taylor 6 years ago.

    I'll be in my office K17 401G tommorrow (Thu 23) 13:00 if you want to inspect the marking of your exam.

    We can also discuss other issues with COMP1511 assessment, but please note there is a faculty policy that falling 1 mark short of a HD/DN/CR, is not sufficient reason to review a student's assessment.

    I'll announce another office time in week 1 of session 2.

    You can also raise general queries about exam marking in the course forum

  • Provisional COMP1511 results are now available

    Posted by Andrew Taylor 6 years ago.

    Provisional COMP1511 results are now available here . At the top is your expected final result for COMP1511.

    Hopefully it says you have a mark >= 50 and a grade of PS, CR, DN or HD.

    If so, provisionally, you have met all hurdles and other requirements and have passed COMP1511. COMP1511 is a tough course and many of you had to work very hard over the past 3 months to get here. Well done and enjoy your break.

    Provisional marks can also change, for example when calculation errors are discovered, but I've never had to changed a provisional PS to a FL.

    If your provisional_final_mark field contains the grade FL or AF unfortunately you have not passed COMP1511 and are not being offered further assessment. You will need to retake in COMP1511 if it is required for your degree. You will also have to un-enrol from any 19T2 COMP courses which require COMP1511 as prerequisite such as COMP1521, COMP1531 & COMP2521.

    If your provisional result is WD, your COMP1511 result is yet to be determined and the next line says why.

    If you are being offered a supplementary exam, you should have email from me with the details.

    Some students have the grade WD due to an investigation of possible assignment plagiarism and have email from me with details.

    General queries about exam marking should be asked in the class forum but please first read answers to previous questions and the following information.

    Part 1 was automarked using patterns (regular-expressions) but a human marker was shown all answers matching the patterns and the marker adjusted the patterns to include all variants of correct (or partially correct) answers. Marks were not deducted for spelling mistakes, obvious typos, extra spaces, blank lines, writing \n for newline etc

    Part 2 questions were automarked using tests you hadn't seen, then passed to a human marker. If you scored less than full marks for a part 2 question, your answer must have failed at least one automarking test. All answers that passed all marking tests received full marks. The human marker could still give full marks if an answer failed automarking tests for unimportant reasons.

    While passing the supplied autotests guaranteed no marks, almost all answers that passed the supplied autotests received 8+/10. A few students "hard-coded" the supplied autotests into their answer. This didn't help their code pass the (unseen) automarking tests, and didn't get marks from the human marker.

    The marking scripts automatically retrieved and marked answers which students forgot to submit - and for Part 1 if empty answers were accidentally saved over previous answers, the previous answers were recovered.

    Exam questions and answers (yours or mine) are not released. I'll announce office times before session 2 where you can inspect your exam marking if you wish.

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