// Dice Statistics Program (looping demo)
// Given the size of two dice and a target number
// Find out the chance of rolling the target number
// and report it as a percentage.
// This is a demo of looping with a little bit of
// discussion about division of integers.
// Marc Chee (cs1511@cse.unsw.edu.au), June 2020
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
// Take user input on the size of the two dice
int dieOneSize;
int dieTwoSize;
int targetValue;
printf("Please enter the size of the first die: ");
scanf("%d", &dieOneSize);
printf("Please enter the size of the second die: ");
scanf("%d", &dieTwoSize);
printf("Please enter the target value: ");
scanf("%d", &targetValue);
int numCombos = 0;
int numMatches = 0;
// loop through all the possible values of dieOne
int dieOne = 1;
// the command to stop a program (especially in the case
// of an infinite loop) is Ctrl-C
while (dieOne <= dieOneSize) { // we have seen dieOne - 1 values
int dieTwo = 1;
while (dieTwo <= dieTwoSize) { // we have seen dieTwo - 1 values
int total = dieOne + dieTwo;
// print out the dice combo if the total matches the target value
if (total == targetValue) {
"dieOne: %d, dieTwo: %d. Total: %d\n",
dieOne, dieTwo, total
dieOne++; // is the same as dieOne = dieOne + 1;
"Out of %d combinations, %d matched the target value.\n",
numCombos, numMatches
printf("%d divided by %d = %d\n", numMatches, numCombos, numMatches/numCombos);
"%lf%% chance of rolling a %d.\n",
(numMatches/(numCombos * 1.0)) * 100, targetValue
Resource created Sunday 14 June 2020, 02:12:29 PM.
file: diceStats.c