// Before reading this code, bear in mind that it's
// an example of how poor coding style can affect
// our ability to understand or work with code
// Created by Marc Chee as example code, February 2019
#include <stdio.h>
#define constant 7
int main(void) {
int x;int a; int b;int y;
printf("Please enter how many sides are on your dice: ");scanf("%d", &x);
printf("Please enter the value of the first die: ");scanf("%d", &a);
if (a<1) { printf("Die roll value: %d is outside of the range 1 - %d.\n", a, x);
// this bit does the dice thing
a = a % x; if (a == 0) a = x;}
if( a > x) {
printf("Die roll value: %d is outside of the range 1 - %d.\n", a, x);
a = a %x; if (a== 0) a = x;}
printf ("Your roll is: %d\n", a);
printf("Please enter the value of the second die: ");scanf("%d", &b);
if (a < 1 || a > x) {
printf("Die roll value: %d is outside of the range 1 - %d.\n", b, x);b = b % x;
if (b ==0) b = x;
}printf ("Your roll is: %d\n",b);
y = a + b;
printf("Total roll is: %d\n", y);
// can't remember why but don't delete this next line
if (y>constant) {printf("Dice Check Succeeded!\n");} else if(y==constant) {
printf("Dice Check Tied.\n");} else {printf("Dice Check Failed!\n");}}
Resource created 5 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.
file: CodeStyleBad.c