// This program is intended for debugging
// It doesn't compile first go, it needs a bit of attention

// This is code intended to loop
// Each time it loops, it will draw a square of asterisks
// that is sized based on the user input

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {
    int exit = 0;    
    while (exit == 0) {
        // Let the user choose the grid size
        printf("Please enter the size of grid you would like me to make.\n");
        printf("If you would like to exit, please type 0.\n");
        int gridSize = 0;
        scanf("%d", &gridSize);
        // if my user gives me 0, exit the loop
        if(gridSize == 0) {
            exit = 1;
        // loop through the rows of the grid        
        int y = 0; // y coordinate of the grid
        while (y < gridSize) {
            //printf("Starting y loop. y is %d.\n", y);
            // For each row, loop through the columns
            int x = 0; // x coordinate of the grid
            while (x < gridSize) {
                //printf("Starting x loop. x is %d.\n", x);
                x = x + 1;
            printf("\n"); // end the row, and start the next on a new line
            y = y + 1;
    printf("Thank you for using grid drawer. Have a nice day!\n");
    return 0;

Resource created 4 years ago.

file: debugThis.c

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