Hi everyone,
Just a reminder that, we will be deleting your lab solutions and projects from the COMP1531 GitHub organisation tomorrow (Friday). If you wish to keep your projects and/or lab solutions you will need to make sure you clone them locally if you have not done so already. You should be able to see all the repositories you have created or had access to
Hi everyone,
Hope you're all enjoying life after 1531. This is just to let you know that, in a week's time, we will be deleting your lab solutions and projects from the COMP1531 GitHub organisation. If you wish to keep your projects and/or lab solutions you will need to make sure you clone them locally if you have not done so already. You should be able to see all the repositories you have created or had access to
COMP 1531 Supplementary exam will run on Friday, 14th December at 1:30 pm in flute & oboe labs, on level 3, J17
Supplementary exams are run once only in the regular supplementary exam period scheduled by the university. Only in case of severe illness, if a student is unable to attend the supplementary exam, they could raise a special consideration request with supporting documentation for an alternative date which will need to be reviewed and assessed.
I will be holding a consultation on Monday, 3rd Dec (1-2:30), for any one who would like to discuss their exam results.
Provisional grades for the course have now been released on webcms3 under the field final_grade .
Congratulations to Seeto, Michelle with an overall mark of 98 for placing first in the course. Tied in second place are Tam, Daniel Christopher, Cowdery Lack, Oscar, Chen, Nanway, Liu, Mike and Yu Kevin with an overall mark of 96 in the course.
Those students who did not attend the final exam and have a special consideration request acknowledged will see a grade of WC. This indicates that you are eligible to sit the supplementary exam scheduled in the supplementary exam period, 8 - 15 Dec.
A few of you may see your grade as WD. This implies that your exam mark was unsatisfactory, but you have been granted a supplementary exam as your exam mark was very close to the required exam threshold. You will be permitted to sit the supplementary exam as well.
A few of you have a UF grade. Note that UF means that you have failed the course, even if your overall mark is greater than 50. You only received a grade of UF if your exam mark was quite unsatisfactory.
Overall, the performance of our students has been excellent this semester, with 18.7% of students scoring a HD and 29.5% of students receiving a DN.
If you have any concerns regarding your marks, please email me.
Dear students,
Please note, there is a change in the consultation times this week. Refer to the consultations link for location and time.
And do not forgot to check your seating allocation and time at: https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs1531/18s2/seating/final/register.cgi/allocations
please note consultations to help students with exam preparation are running today (11-1) and Wed & Thu (11-1) next week.
Hi everyone,
As many of the student have requested, we have made available the practice exam without solutions here:
Enjoy :)
Quiz 03, Q4 had 2 correct answers (b and c), however quiz gave the correct mark for only one of these options. Hence, all students who attempted the quiz will receive 1 mark for this question (this will be automatically adjusted on our database, in the final marks), regardless of the response you had chosen. So those of you who scored a 7/8 due to this, your mark will be rectified to a 8.
Dear students,
Please find your seating allocation for COMP 1531 by clicking on the link below and logging with your zID/password https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs1531/18s2/seating/final/register.cgi/allocations
Quiz 03 is due in 7 hours from now.
Dear students,
Dear students,
You must all be relieved following the submission of the group project deliverables. Given the steep learning journey in this course, it is an incredible achievement to have been able to build a complete web application, so well done to all of you.
A few final points:
Each team must submit their report into a folder called "report" located under the master branch on github.
Deadline for report submission is this Friday, 11:59 pm.
Some students had asked about how the late penalty for the deliverable last Monday was applied. The total mark of 60 is divided into two components ( presentation + UAT(working-software) + test-cases + github use + (bonus)) = 31 + (5 bonus) and (Design + user-stories + log book = 29 marks). Late penalty for the Monday deliverable will be applied on the first component and late penalty for the report will apply on the second component.
Late submissions of working software and test-cases will not be accepted past tomorrow 10:00 am, as previously advised
Late submission of the report will not be accepted beyond Sunday, 11:59 pm.
Dear students,
Dear students,
Dear students,
This is the agenda for weeks 10 - 12.
Week 10:
Monday, 1 October is a public holiday. Students in the Monday lab, please attend the alternative lab on Tue 19:00-21:00 in Clavier to get your lab marked off. You can attend any tutorial through the week, for the missed tutorial session
Week 8 Lab (Building a flask front-end for car rental app) and Week 8_9 extended lab (Exception handling for car rental) will be due on Monday11:59 pm (to be uploaded to GitHub). The restaurant case-study with exception handling included (as discussed in lectures) is uploaded to week 09 lectures, to help you with the lab task
Week 11:
You will be doing a practice exam to make you familiar with the format of the final exam (this practice exam will be shorter in duration than the final exam). To receive a mark for this lab, you must attend the lab and attempt the questions.
There will also be a lab exercise for this week to make students familiar with developing an ER diagram. But this lab will be optional, and no marks will be awarded for this lab.
Week 12:
This week, you will have the final milestone demo. Refer to Milestone 3 deliverable on the due dates for the different artifacts.
Dear students,
Over the weekend, I have had some requests for extension on Group Project Milestone 2 and Week 08_09 Labs.
As students, I understand that you might be involved in numerous other commitments such as CSE Revue, UNSW Robotics competition etc and I am fully aware of the commitment towards these events, however granting extension on a group project is not possible as the assessment criteria for a group project is quite different to an individual assignment.
Secondly, most extension requests have been sought quite late (mostly on Sunday evening few hours before deadline). If a student was aware that they are going to be part of an activity (e.g., CSE Revue) that had significant commitments, they should have informed their team, myself and tutor early on and advised that their contribution would be lower than other team members, and your tutor would have been able to discuss options with your team on how the workload could be balanced. Project management is an important learning outcome of this course.
Moreover, granting an extension would be extremely unfair to students who have lost team members in the last week before the deadline or those who have multiple work commitments or to those students who have SEADU consideration ( and who normally have 1 week extension on individual assignments ) and are still not granted extension for a group project.
However, in view of requests of students and your tutors, what I have done is that I have extended the deadline for week 08_09 lab to end of mid-semester break but due to the extension, I will add an extra task to this lab. The updated lab will be released shortly and will now be due on Monday, 1 October, 11:59 pm.
If you have any concerns, please see me after the lecture tomorrow at 12:00 pm.
There have some queries regarding, if additional attributes need to be provide (for e.g a health-provider). These csv files only contain basic credential information to help students with a set of users so that you do not have to implement any 'Register User' feature. Hence, you are expected to have additional attributes for each of the above objects (e.g, a health-provider may have a provider no, rating etc)
Dear Students,
There was a small typo in the previous notice "Milestone 2 Updates". The password for ee@gmail.com should be 123.
Dear students,
The GIVE submission for user-stories has been setup. Please refer to the guidelines for details on what artifacts are required to be submitted
A marking criteria for the user-stories has been appended to the 'user-story template' document in the assignments folder
Week 06_07 lab is due end of week 7, Sunday, 11:59 pm
Dear students,
During my lab visits last week, I noticed several students struggling to understand principles of OO design. Hence, this week you will not be required to submit your class diagram for the group project. A detailed class diagram, outlining all attributes and methods will need to be submitted by 09:59AM Monday 17th September along with your first iteration working software giving you more time to think about your design as you implement the system.
This week:
Dear students,
Tomorrow, in the second half of the session,, we will have Daniel Figucio, from GitHub giving us a guest lecture about the use of GitHub in the industry. And on Friday, you will have a 2 hour session on HTML, CSS and Flask to help you get started on the group project.
Dear students,
Kindly note the following changes to dead-lines:
Following requests from your tutors, there are a few changes to your week 06 milestone 1 deliverable. As previously outlined, in your Week 06 lab session, your team will present the user-stories and class diagram to your tutor who will give you feedback. Based on this feedback, you can make changes to your design and the new dead-line to submit your final artifacts will be Sunday 11:59 pm, 2nd September. ( Please note, you must present your nearly complete user-stories and class diagram in week 6, but you will be able to make changes before your final submission )
As the deadline for user-stories has been extended to end of week 6, your combined lab 04_05 will now be due end of this week, Your completed solution must be uploaded to GitHub by Sunday, 26 August, 11:59 pm . The Python implementation of the restaurant case-study that you have been discussing in the tutorial sessions has been provided to assist you with your lab task
To assist students with the assignment, we are running consults today between 1-2 ( Room 403 ) and 4-5 (Room 202)
Group Project
Quiz 01
Assignment 01: Please make sure, you use the right notation for your use-case diagram and class diagram.
Hi all,
A few teams with names involving quotation marks and apostrophes have been removed as they were causing issues with our GitHub course page. If this was one of your teams, please make your team again with a different name.
When making your teams for the group project, please restrict your names to
letters, numbers, underscores _, and hyphens - only.
Dear students,
Please note assignment 1 has now been released and is due on Sunday, 19th of August, 11:59 pm.
A GIVE submission will be setup over the next week for this assignment.
Dear students,
Weekly consultations start this week. Please check the consultations link regarding the time and location.
And further following up on Ian's earlier email, it is advised that if your lab exercises do not run successfully on your machine, please run them on the CSE machines, as each of our lab solutions and pytests have been tested successfully on CSE machines, without any issues. This would also enable the tutors to assist you better, as we feel some of the issues experienced by students could arise from using different versions of Python.
Dear Students,
We have realised that there were ambiguities regarding lab02 specification. Following are the recommended suggestions for resolving the issues.
If count.py:
You are required to count the number of occurrences for every character that appears in the text, that is, including special characters and whitespace characters such as a comma (‘,’) or a space (‘ ‘).
For the output, each line should contain a
and its
separated by a single space; for example,
count_char_insensitive(“I love 1531!”)
should print the following:
Please kindly note that for
, the alphabet characters should be printed in their lowercase forms (but this does not apply for
, since it should be case-sensitive).
Elif fibonacci.py:
After you have tested your code manually by reading in from the user input, please prevent the autotest from breaking by wrapping your piece of code for input handling under this IF statement:
This is telling Python to execute the body of code under the IF statement only when the
file was executed directly from the terminal (
python3 fibonacci.py
). This way, when the file is loaded indirectly due to the autotest, the body of code under the IF statement would not run, and hence it would not interfere with the testing.
However, if you are still experiencing issues with the lab exercises, and if believe your code works correctly when tested manually, please demonstrate your manual tests to your tutors instead.
Thank you all for raising your concerns promptly on the forums and via email.
Hello everyone,
Referring to the previous notice, our GitHub application is back up and running and you can now import labs again.
There are some changes to how the GitHub app works. Before, clicking import would create a copy of the repository in your personal account. Now, clicking import is going to create a copy of the repository for you under our COMP1531 organisation. Your labs will still be private, meaning nobody can see the repositories except for you and your tutors.
These changes mean you won't need unlimited private repositories, so you no longer need to worry about getting a GitHub Student Education pack if you don't have one yet!
Hello everyone,
This evening at 8pm, our CSE GitHub webpage will be undergoing very quick maintenance to make some changes. Please do NOT import any repositories after 8pm as this may cause some problems.
The server will be back up and running very soon, we will post another notice to confirm when you can continue using it.
Thanks for your patience!
Our Github webapp was temporarily down. This webapp is up and running again. You will be able import your labs now (lab 01 and lab 02).
It also appears that GitHub has declined a large number of requests for education pack this semester. I have escalated this issue with GitHub. Some students have had success using the email address ending in @cse.unsw.edu.au. Please reapply using this address. Meanwhile, those students who still have not acquired an education pack, please download the starter code from webcms3. You can upload completed solutions to a public repo.
Dear students,
We have realised that large number of students have experienced various issues with using Git and GitHub in the first week's lab. One of the major issues was students being not able to receive the student education pack for GitHub, due to numerous reasons. Other issues included Git merge issues, ssh-key setup issues, etc.
For those of you who are having such issues, please refer to the 'Lab01 FAQ' that has been uploaded to the 'Labs' page if you wish for some general assistance. If you are still experiencing issues after going through the FAQ page, please either consult your tutors or ask on the course forum ASAP for further assistance.
Dear students,
The previous consultation times were incorrect. We currently have consultations running from 2:30-4:00 in room 203, level 2 K17.
And if your GitHub education pack is not approved yet, please complete the exercises using a public repo for this week. You should still be able to do all the python exercises. Once your private repo is approved, you will be able to push your code to your private repo
Dear students,
Welcome to a new semester of COMP 1531 and this semester we have an exciting group project planned for you! Please refer to the course outline and make yourself familiar with course structure, assessment criteria etc.
Lectures run on Wednesday 10-12 and Fri 14-16 (Law Theatre G04).
A reminder that
all tuts and lab start in week 1
this semester. Importantly, Lab 01 contains a
Setup task
must be completed prior to your lab
. This setup task involves setting up an education account with GitHub. As requests for education accounts can take up to 48 hours, please make sure that this task is completed before your lab, otherwise you will
be able to complete your lab 01.
WebCMS3 will be the platform used for publishing all lecture slides, tutorial and lab specifications and communication. Also, please complete the poll on "Your technical background" which will help us to understand the skill level of the students.
Looking forward to seeing you all in the lectures on Wednesday, 25th of July.