
  • Last Message

    Posted by Binghao Li 5 years ago.

    Dear all,

    It was a nice but strange experience to deliver a course completely online, I am happy to be survived :-)

    I believe you have received the final mark. Congratulations to Bruce Chen for scoring 97/100 which is a fantastic achievement. Bruce was also one of the prize winners along with Liam Nussbaumer and Zac Low who solved the 200 milk bottles question quickly. Fahad Al Maraee and Jacinta Chang were the Kahoot winners. Do not forget your prize. Please contact me when the campus is open again.

    I hope you have enjoyed this course and will find it useful in the near future. If you have any questions about the exam, please email me.

    All the best.

    This is my last message.



  • COMP1911 Bridging Course 2020

    Posted by Binghao Li 5 years ago.

    Dear all,

    As we introduce at the beginning of T2, COMP1911+bridging course will provide COMP1511 equivalent competency. If you want to be part of the bridging course, please fill in the form:

    We will run the brid ging course from 7th to 11th of September. It is free, and should be for people intending to complete a software degree.



  • Assignment 2 Issues

    Posted by Binghao Li 5 years ago.

    Dear all,

    A number of students have emailed about their low performance mark in assignment 2, in contrast with the output from the sample autotests given when they were completing the assignment. The autotests provided were there as a guide to help you complete your work, but the responsibility for you to ensure your program complied with the specification was up to you. If your mark is lower than expected because you failed tests legitimately, then you should review those test cases to reflect on where you made mistakes. If your mark was lower than expected and you believe that for specific test cases we have marked you incorrectly, please reach out to us at If your issues do not pertain to your autotests, but rather your style/blog/design marks for ass1/ass2, please email your tutors.

    We also noticed that some of your assignment 2 marks are missing. If you have submitted assignment 2 but cannot find your marks, please contact your tutors.



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