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Submit your Hunter and Dracula AIs here.

You must submit: Makefile dracula.c hunter.c GameView.c GameView.h DracView.c DracView.h HunterView.c HunterView.h

You may submit other *.c and *.h files if you require other ADTs.

We will supply vanilla versions of Map.c Map.h Places.h Places.c but you are free to supply your own if you want.

There's also a dryrun set up which will play your Hunter AI against your Dracula AI, using the actual game engine. Useful for debugging before the tournaments.

You run the dryrun from the command line as: 1927 dryrun ass2b Makefile *.c *.h , where *.c *.h means "all of the files that you would submit via give ".

Resource created 8 years ago, last modified 8 years ago.


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