
  • Issues related to the slowdown of the submission system

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 5 years ago.

    We have already requested the Deputy Head of School (education) to look into the issues related to the slowdown of the submission system at the end of the exam, and how to address the consequences, including the points raised so far in the posts. Once we have the advice, we will accordingly finalise the results. Meanwhile, if you have any queries, please contact the Deputy Head of School (education) for more information.

    By the way, the submission system used in COMP2511 (20T2) has been successfully used without any problems for other courses so far in 20T2. Based on this, we were not expecting any issues for the COMP2511 Exam. However, as we all experienced, the system was very slow at the end of the exam and therefore we offered an extended grace period for submissions, until it started functioning normally.

  • Multiple Choice Submission Time Extended to 6:10pm

    Posted by Matthew Perry 5 years ago.

    Dear students,

    Multiple choice due time has been updated to 6:10pm for all students (except those with a 1.5 hour extension, you due time is still 6:55pm). Note that this doesn't provide additional time to students with an ELS extension - it is also due 6:10pm for you if you had a 45 minute extension.



  • Please try to keep submitting for final exam

    Posted by Matthew Perry 5 years ago.

    Dear students,

    Please keep trying to submit the final exam. You will not be penalized if the webcms3 crash caused your late submission.

    Please note we cannot mark versions you email - so you must formally submit.

    Note the formal grace period was extended to 5:30pm. We wont keep extending the formal grace period - please just submit, as long as you did your best to submit, you will not be penalized, even though marked late.



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