
  • Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Nick Patrikeos 🐾 3 years ago.

    To all those taking the Supp Exam:

    The exam paper can be found here and will be available to view at 9am.

    The Moodle Quiz will also open at 9am (links to it are in the exam paper).

    If you have any questions please post on the forum. Any announcements of updates / clarifications will be made via email, so keep an eye on your inbox.

    You have until 12pm to complete the exam, unless we have contacted you specifically regarding extra time.

    Good luck!!!

  • Wrapping Things Up

    Posted by Nick Patrikeos 🐾 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi everyone!!

    Hope you're all enjoying your holidays and getting excited for T3. Now that everything for T2 is wrapped up, we want to give a huge congratulations on completing COMP2511.

    We first want to congratulate the top 6 performing students in the course, in order:

    • Zhuo, Terry
    • Sinha, Mrinaank
    • Ritossa, Angus
    • Chandra, Aditi
    • Sieczko, Maja
    • Chaffey, Chelsea

    A further congratulations goes to Terry Zhuo for receiving the highest mark in the exam, a raw score of 91.5 / 100.

    Thanks so much for the positive comments that people shared in myExperience and our survey. Some of you really put a huge smile on your tutor's face when they read it. And thanks to all those who provided us with constructive criticism as well, we read through every single piece of feedback and take it into consideration because we want to make this course the very best it can be.

    As a final note – we see COMP2511 as playing an important role in turning you from first-year programmers into software designers ready to go out and take on the world. The fact that you’ve all come so far to complete the course is a testament to your dedication, commitment and tenacity, and the uphill battles you’ve gone through mean that now you can move mountains.

    It was a pleasure teaching all of you this term – in the lectures, the tutorials, on the forums – and we hope to one day see you around :)

    All the very best for T3 and beyond.

    Ashesh, Nick, Braedon, Matthew and the COMP2511 21T2 Teaching Team

  • The exam is over!

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 4 years ago.

    Hi everyone,

    The exam is over – hope you’ve been able to take some time for a breath and a walk.

    Some of you have enjoyed the exam and some of you found the exam challenging. We first need to mark all the submissions – which is a mammoth task ahead! Once we have all the marks, we will have a better understanding of the performance across the cohort and we will make a decision as to whether scaling marks and/or adjusting the hurdle requirement is appropriate.

    Our aim is always to make sure that you are awarded fair marks. For the Programming Questions (Part 3), if you fail the automarking, we will manually mark your submissions and award you partial marks, wherever suitable.

    If you found the exam challenging, let’s put things in perspective. The first two parts (Multiple Choice and Short Answer) were 45% of the exam. This means that if you performed well in these sections and were able to have a good attempt at Q1 (Design) and Q2 (Refactoring) in Part 3, then you shouldn’t have to worry about passing! Also, consider that the exam was worth only 40% of the final mark.

    Thanks for your cooperation and patience during the term and the exam. We couldn’t hope to run such a course without your cooperation. And WELL DONE!!! Take some time to reflect on how incredibly far you have all come this term as software designers and problem solvers. You have all done amazingly!!

    We’ll send out another notice during the holidays to wrap things up, but until then stay safe, and good luck for your other exams.

    Ashesh, Nick, Braedon & Matthew

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