
  • Change in Time; Supplementary exam

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Tuesday 23 May 2023, 09:50:49 AM, last modified Tuesday 23 May 2023, 09:56:54 AM.

    The supplementary exam for COMP2511 (23T1) will be held from 12:45 to 16:00 on Thursday, May 25, 2023 , at Level-3 of Ainsworth Building (J17).

  • Supplementary Exam

    Posted by Nick Patrikeos 🐾 Saturday 20 May 2023, 08:56:20 AM, last modified Tuesday 23 May 2023, 09:51:31 AM.

    The COMP2511 (23T1) supplementary examination will be held on Thursday 25th May from 12:40pm to 4:00pm . The school should have sent you an email regarding this. Please send an email to the class account ( ) if you have not received such an email.

    Please note that you can only take the supplementary exam if you are offered the supplementary exam.

  • Assignment III Blog and video permissions

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Wednesday 10 May 2023, 10:10:58 PM.

    A bunch of Assignment III groups have not given us permission to view their blogs and videos. If you did Assignment III please go and check that we can access your blog/video. If you notice that you have not made it available please send an email to so we can go back and mark it.

    You will not be marked if you do not do this by Friday 5 pm.

  • Exam Seating and Mark Release

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Tuesday 02 May 2023, 12:14:17 PM.

    Exam Seating

    The exam is 1 week away. Please make sure you check your seating allocations to make sure you end up in the correct location. There have been some changes so make sure you double check it before the exam.

    You can check them here:

    Assignment 2 results

    Assignment 2 results have now been released, if you have any questions about them please contact your tutor. Some tutors haven't finished marking yet, in those cases, they should have contacted you. If you requested a rerun they have also been processed. The mark is out of 30.

    Class Mark

    You should now also be able to see your class mark which is out of 15. It includes your lab marks and the forum participation bonus which you can now also see. The forum participation will be recalculated after the exam just in case people want to post questions and answers on the forum between now and the exam.

    Good luck with any exams you have and your study!

  • Reminder about assignment 2 blog permissions

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Wednesday 26 April 2023, 07:50:29 PM, last modified Wednesday 26 April 2023, 07:51:16 PM.

    Make sure to make your blog posts visible to Tutors on Confluence .

    If you have done it in your personal space and just added your partner to that then that is all fine as long as it is unlocked you don't need to do anything. If we click on your blog post and it is private you will NOT get marked for assignment-ii

    IF YOU HAVE MADE A SEPARATE SPACE you need to change the space permissions

    1. Go to the space permission settings in your space
    2. Click edit permissions
    3. Add cs2511-23t1-staff to the space
    4. Click save at the bottom of the page
    5. After that, it should look like the screenshot below

  • Exam Revision Lecture - Colombo Theatre B

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Tuesday 25 April 2023, 09:39:12 PM, last modified Wednesday 26 April 2023, 05:12:35 PM.

    The revision lecture live stream will be this Thursday 4-6 pm Nick and I are going to go over a past exam and hopefully give you some tips and a better idea of what the final exam will involve. It will be recorded but feel free to come along with your questions :)

    Here is the link to the MS Teams:

    Update : There will be an in-person offering as well! We will be in Colombo Theatre B . See you tomorrow!

  • Final Week Updates!!

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Sunday 23 April 2023, 07:37:16 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    We did it!!! We're at the very end and just over two weeks away from the course finishing up entirely. We hope you have enjoyed working on Assignment III and the last few labs. We're in the process of marking your work and preparing for the exam to make everything as smooth as possible for you.


    We are at 50% completion of myExperience. As you could hopefully tell from this term we do take student feedback seriously and really want to make the course better for future terms. So please let us know what we did well so we can keep doing it and what we could do better so that we can inprove!

    Release & Finalising of Marks

    • Assignment II Automarking results have been released to your repositories. Please read the specification carefully with regards to reruns - if your group wishes to apply for a rerun you can do so via this form . You have until Sunday 30th April to fill this in .
    • We will release your final Assignment II marks to you a week before your final exam on Tuesday the 2nd of May ;
    • Your coursework marks (tutorial + lab) will also be finalised this week by your tutors, if you have any questions regarding this after next Sunday please email both of them. We will also add in your current forum participation mark which will be updated again after the exam.
    • Assignment III marks will not be released until after the exam.

    Happy stuvac!

  • COMP2511 Final Exam Time and Date

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 19 April 2023, 09:32:40 AM.

    The COMP2511 examination will be held on Tuesday, May 09 2023 from 13:15 to 16:30 . All students should aim to arrive by no later than 13:10 . Next week, you will receive an email specifying your exam seating arrangement (lab name and seat number).

    Exam-related information was discussed in two lectures: the Week-09 Tuesday lecture and the Week-10 Tuesday lecture . Please view them if you have not already.

    We'll have an exam revision lecture during Week 11, the date and time are to be confirmed.

  • Bonus Mark! myExperience feedback ...

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Tuesday 18 April 2023, 09:13:52 AM.

    Currently, the response rate for the myExperience survey is very low! Please provide feedback as soon as possible, and tell us what you like and dislike about the course; we genuinely value your input.

    If 85% of the cohort completes myExperience, every student in the course will receive 1 bonus course mark. This means, if your final course mark was 61, it will become 62, 71 will become 72, and 84 will become 85, so fill it out and encourage others to do so as well.

    See you today for the final lecture. We will review the course, go over the Sample Exam, and answer any course-related queries you may have.

  • End of Week 9 Updates πŸ’‘

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Friday 14 April 2023, 11:06:41 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Congratulations on completing Assignment II! We are now well and truly on the home stretch of the course and your hard work throughout the term will pay dividends now and later.

    Assignment I

    If you applied for a rerun you should be able to see your updated results in your repo. If you have any questions about your marks please talk to your tutor.

    Assignment II

    During your lab time this week, you and your partner will have a short (~ 10 minute) interview with your tutor or lab assistant regarding the design of your assignment. This will function in the exact same way as it did for Assignment I.

    If you are unable to attend your lab please email explaining your situation and we will arrange a substitute interview at an alternative time, the viva is compulsory .

    Assignment II will be returned to you with marks and feedback before the week of the exam.


    There is information already about the in-person exam on the Exam page , the exact time is TBD but it will be on Tuesday the 9th of May in the Afternoon .

    A practice exam will be made available next week. There are also a series of revision exercises, a mix of past lab exercises, and past exam questions inside the revision section on confluence (all non-assessed) for you to sink your teeth into.

    We'll also have an exam revision lecture during Week 11, the date and time are to be confirmed.

  • Final Exam Information and Today's lecture

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Thursday 13 April 2023, 08:10:06 AM.

    We discussed the following exam-related information during the Tuesday lecture this week. Please view the video if you haven't already.

    During today's lecture at 12 noon, we will discuss Event-Driven & Asynchronous Design (Pasrt 2), Risk Engineering, and Introduction to Microservices (Bonus), as well as address any questions you might have regarding the final exam.

  • Wk 8 lab deadline extended

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Saturday 08 April 2023, 04:52:38 PM.

    TL;DR - Lab08 extended until 9 am Tuesday 11th.

    Hi all,
    I hope you are having a good easter long weekend, as Monday is a public holiday a few students have asked if the lab08 deadline can be extended. The latest that it can be extended is Tuesday 9 am as all labs need to be marked by the end of week 9 and that's when the first class is. So I have extended the deadline until then.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

  • Assignment I Marks Released

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Saturday 01 April 2023, 07:08:54 PM.

    Your Assignment I mark has been released and can be viewed via give unless your tutor has emailed your class and told you otherwise. The mark is out of 20 and is subject to change, this could be during your viva or if new information comes to light.

    Your marker has provided feedback in a branch called feedback on your assignment repository.

    Your auto-marking results for the assignment are also available. You can look at them under the automarking branch in your assignment repository.

    Some of you submitted code that failed to compile and received 0 in the automaker. If you wish to rectify this you can make a patch of less than 20 lines difference and submit the form below to request a re-run. A re-run will incur a 20% penalty to the final auto mark unless the change is trivial (e.g. BlackoutController was in the wrong folder).

    To get your code rerun you need to put all your changes on a branch called automark_rerun and make an MR with master without merging it.

    You have until Monday 10th April 6 pm to fill this in , we will then rerun all the requests after that.

    Here is the form to request a re-run .

    If your code compiled but you have failed a large number of autotests and are unsure why, please make a private post on the forum with your name, zID and query. We will only re-run submissions that failed to compile.

    If you have any questions regarding the manually marked component of your assessment, please email your marker (they will be the committer on the feedback branch). If you still have further queries after this correspondence, please forward the email chain to . Any reviews of results directed to the class account can result in the mark decreasing, increasing or remaining the same.

  • End of Week 7 Updates πŸͺ”

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Friday 31 March 2023, 07:09:47 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    We hope that Assignment II is going smoothly for you and your partner! It always marvels me how many fantastic questions there are on the forum and it's awesome to see you diving into the problems with so much commitment.

    Lots to go over today, please read carefully !

    Assignment I Marks Released Tomorrow

    Assignment marks are yet to be released . They will be released tomorrow evening. Instructions on how to get a rerun and/or ask any questions about your mark will be released in an announcement tomorrow once you can see your results.

    Assignment II

    Assignment II is due Week 9 Friday, 5 pm.

    Make sure to make your blog posts visible to Turors on Confluence . If you have done it in your personal space and just added your partner to that then that is all fine as long as it is unlocked you don't need to do anything.

    IF YOU HAVE MADE A SEPARATE SPACE you need to change the space permissions
    1. Go to the space permission settings in your space
    2. Click edit permissions
    3. Add cs2511-23t1-staff to the space
    4. Click save at the bottom of the page
    5. After that, it should look like the screenshot below

    Assignment III

    Assignment III will be released on Tuesday morning - it is worth 10% bonus, so if you are unhappy with your assignment 1 results here is your chance to make up some lost marks. Ashesh will quickly go through the content relating to Assignment III in Tuesday's lecture.

    If you want to complete the assignment individually please let your tutor know, by default you will be put in a group with your partner from assignment 2.

    Easter Long Weekend

    Friday the 7th of April and Monday the 10th of April are public holidays, for students with classes on those days here are the options for either lab marking and/or assignment 1 vivas:

    • Attend another tutorial that week, if the tutor/lab assistant has time they can also interview/mark you. For this option send an email to the tutors whose class you would like to attend and cc your current tutor.
    • We will run 2 classes online on Friday and 1 on Monday, here are the links to join the team meetings.
    • If you are in a Friday class you can get interviewed/marked in week 9
    • You can attend a help session and get interviewed/marked there

  • Assignment-i Blog posts

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Sunday 26 March 2023, 01:27:59 PM.

    Can everyone please check that you have made your blog posts available for tutors to view.

    If we click on your blog post and you have made it private for everyone this is what we see and you will get 0 for the blogging section unless you fix it.

    When the instructions said to make a private blog post, it meant in the same way that the lab blog posts are private, so that other students can't see them, aka just post them in your personal space with no restrictions. Sorry for the confusion.

    To fix this issue go to all your blog posts and make sure the lock symbol is unlocked.

  • End of Week 5 Updates 🍰

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Friday 17 March 2023, 08:22:37 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Welcome to the end of Week 5 - we hope you're looking forward to a well-deserved break next week. Catch up on sleep, do something fun, go outside and see people - have a rest and recharge before we head into the second half of term :)

    Before we head into flexibility week, we just want to give you a few updates.

    Assignment I

    Well done if you have submitted assignment-i!! During your lab time in week 7 or 8 you will have a short (~ 5 minute) interview with your tutor regarding the design of your assignment. Further information can be found in the Assignment I spec .

    If you are unable to attend your lab in either Week 7 or Week 8, please let your tutor know so they can interview you on the other week. If you are unable to attend your lab in both Week 7 and Week 8, please email explaining your situation and we will arrange a substitute interview at an alternative time.

    We will aim to have Assignment I returned to you with marks and feedback by the end of Week 7.

    Assignment II

    Well done to all the pairs that have gotten straight into Assignment II - this assignment is something that you will need to chip away at and complete in small increments over the next few weeks in order to succeed as a team.

    • The specification is available on Confluence ;
    • We have lots of help sessions over the next few weeks to support you in completing the assignment;
    • Remember to communicate proactively about any teamwork issues as they arise - with each other and your tutor so that they can be resolved.


    Lab05 is due Monday of week 7 not week 6 but I suggest you get started on it because the labs are bite-sized versions of the assignment, so if you understand the labs you will probably find the assignment easier .

    Make sure to also check out the Lab Retrospectives if you want to go back and have a look at a solution at previous lab exercises.

    We'll see you on Monday of Week 7 - where start to move into the next phase of the course, discussing more Design Patterns and Generic Programming.

    Have a fantastic flexi week!

  • Release of assignment ii

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Wednesday 15 March 2023, 09:14:05 PM.

    The spec for assignment-ii can be found here
    You repository can be found under COMP2511/23T1/teams/<your pair name>/assignment-ii

    We will go over it in the lecture tomorrow, see you then!

  • End of Week 4 Updates 🎸

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Friday 10 March 2023, 07:00:04 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Well done on making it to the end of Week 4!


    Lab 04 is due Week 5, Monday 1 pm

    Lab 05 is due Week 7, Monday 1 pm . Lab 05 was rewritten this term so hopefully you all find it interesting! Any feedback is appreciated, you can either put it on the forum or but filling out the feedback form .

    Assignment I

    Assignment I is due next Friday (Week 5) at 5pm. Less than a week to go . Make sure to mark your submission with a tag and push it to GitLab. Any commits on master after the deadline will be taken as a late submission , so push everything before 5 pm.

    Make sure to push your code to the master branch of your repository as well as the submission tag . The tag is just a marker on the commit, not a branch of its own.

    We have lots of Help Sessions over the next week up until the deadline to support you in completing the assignment, plus asynchronous help via the Course Forum! Though be warned they will be much busier as the week goes on and there isn't one on Friday as it is normally after the assignment deadline.

    Assignment II

    The Assignment II specification will be released Thursday morning on Confluence.

    If you are not sure who your partner is for Assignment II please contact your tutor so they can help you out - it'll be really important that you can hit the ground running and get started with your partner.

    We'll be going through the assignment during the lecture.

    Advanced Software Engineering Elective

    From Nick:

    Hi everyone!

    I hope you're enjoying COMP2511 so far.

    This term I'm teaching SENG3011 - Advanced Software Engineering Workshop which is currently offered only to students enrolled in a SE degree.

    We are looking to find out whether non-Software Engineering students in CSE would be interested in taking an elective with a similar focus if it was offered. The course teaches students modern software engineering techniques and toolchains including AWS, Docker, GitHub, Jira/Confluence, Feature Flags and Observability, and advanced teamwork and leadership in a software engineering environment.

    You can access the course outline here and the course lecture schedule here .

    Please fill out this short survey: ❓ :)

    Thanks for your time!

    Have a good weekend!

  • End of Week 3 Updates β›΅

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Sunday 05 March 2023, 03:55:34 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    We hope Assignment I is going well for you! A few updates from us.

    Assignment I

    Assignment has been out for almost 2 weeks now, if you haven't started yet please do, it is due Week 5 Friday, 5pm .

    We have lots of Help Sessions over the next two weeks up until the deadline to support you in completing the assignment, plus asynchronous help via the Course Forum! At the moment not many people have shown up to the help sessions so please make use of them, they are only going to get busier and busier the closer to the deadline we get.

    Lab Retrospectives

    Lab 03 is due tomorrow at 1 pm. Tomorrow night we'll release a retrospective video walking through the lab solution. You can view all retro videos on this Confluence page .

    Coursework Marks

    Lab marks have now been released which you can access via give until the grade book on webcms has been fixed. The lab marks are updated daily so if they are showing as `.` then it means your tutor hasn't finalised that weeks marking for your class and they will become available once they do. If you have any questions about your lab marks, please email your tutor and lab assistant.

    Looking Ahead

    We’ve covered the foundational elements of the course – OO Concepts, some fundamental programming patterns and Design Principles. We now move into the wide and wonderful world of Design Patterns starting next week.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  • End of Week 2 Updates 🚁

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Friday 24 February 2023, 08:06:11 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Updates from us this week:

    Assignment I

    Assignment I is out and it’s great to see many of you sinking your teeth into it and asking great questions on the forum. If you haven't already, we recommend you make a solid start over the next few days as much of the thinking and figuring out how the pieces fit together takes time.

    Next week we’ll finish off talking about many of the concepts useful for you in the assignment – JUnit testing, Design Principles in lectures and UML diagrams in the tutorials.

    Assignment II Pairs

    Next week during your lab time your tutor will give you the chance to start to form pairs for Assignment II based on your preferences. Your tutor will do their best to make things work, but we can’t always guarantee we can give everyone their preferences :)

    We’re always open to any feedback on your experience with this, or any other aspect of the course via the forum, email or the feedback form .

    See you in Week 3!

  • End of Week 1 Updates

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Friday 17 February 2023, 07:20:39 PM.

    Hi everyone,

    Welcome to the end of Week 1! We hope you’re finding your feet in the course and have had the chance to get a feel for how things run.

    Tutorial Solutions + Recordings

    Every Friday on this Confluence page we release solutions and recordings from previous terms to the week's tutorial. The Tutorial 01 solutions and recordings are now available.

    Lab 01

    The Week 1 Lab is due Monday at 1pm . Make sure you push all your code to the master branch on GitLab before then.

    Retro videos from lab02 onwards will be available after the submission deadline and can be found on this page .

    During your Week 2 lab time, your lab marker will mark your Week 1 exercises.

    Assignment I

    The Assignment I specification will be released on confluence before the lecture on Tuesday where we will go over it.

    Help sessions

    The help session schedule has been published on the help session page the first one is on Saturday 6-8 pm so if you are struggling with your set up please attend.

  • echo360 Lecture Recordings (from the lecture theatre)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Wednesday 15 February 2023, 07:27:53 AM.

    You can access the echo360 lecture recordings (recorded in the Physics Theatre) by navigating to the COMP2511 Moodle page (click here) and then click on the Lecture Recordings link on the page (see below):

    The audio in the first lecture isn't very good. We'll try to fix this in the next lecture.

  • ⚑⚑ Welcome to COMP2511!!⚑⚑

    Posted by Sienna Archer πŸ¦” Sunday 12 February 2023, 11:56:16 AM.

    Hi everyone!!

    Welcome to COMP2511 for 23T1!! We hope you've had a restful and relaxing holiday and are ready to rock & roll for the term ahead!


    To help you get settled into the course, here are a few key pieces of information:

    • Have a read of the Course Outline - it goes over in fine detail everything we expect of you, and everything you can expect of us!
    • We are using Edstem for our Course Forum . You will need to log in via moodle. Once you are there please post in the welcome message thread and have a read of the How to get your question answered post.
    • We are using Confluence and GitLab for our coursework this term. If you're unable to access the Confluence space please try logging into Atlassian with your (this one with the "ad"). You should have received an email asking you to join.
    • We recommend the first thing you do is set up your Learning Checklist for the term - available at this Confluence page

    Tutorials + Labs

    You can view your tutorial and lab locations and times here . Tutorials and labs start in Week 1. All labs for the course are available with the specifications on Confluence and repositories via GitLab.

    You can also view the Help Session schedule for the course here which will become available soon.

  • Welcome to COMP2511 (23T1)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Thursday 09 February 2023, 10:42:17 AM, last modified Friday 10 February 2023, 11:21:47 PM.

    Welcome to The Art of Software Design (OO Design & Programming) ! The course outline is now available; please carefully read the outline; it offers all the required information for the latest course offering. The course webpage is at

    Please use the course forum in case you have any queries regarding the course. You can access the course forum by following instructions provided here .

    The tutorial and lab for Week 01 will be available over the weekend.

    Twenty-five enthusiastic tutors, Sienna (course administrator), and I are thrilled to meet you all in person or online! We are all looking forwards to the start of the new term next week.

    Dr Ashesh Mahidadia
    LIC, COMP2511 (23T1)

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