
  • New exam information URL

    Posted by Alvin Cherk 2 months ago.

    If you are taking a supplementary exam in 2025, you can find the exam information, sample exam, given files here: . It has moved.

    Happy holidays all :)

  • Assignment 3 Marks Released

    Posted by Alvin Cherk 3 months ago.

    Hi all,

    Assignment 3 marks have been released on sturec. Please take a look if you completed the assessment.

    Your pre-exam-mark will not contain assignment-3 marks.

    If there are any issues, please email

  • Some Final Words

    Posted by Sai Nair 3 months ago.

    Hey all,

    You're almost at the end - one more day! I've got a couple of announcements regarding assignment II and the final exam, and that'll be all!

    Assignment II 📑

    Assignment II marking is done - feedback should be released to everyone and your overall marks should be visible on give! If you find that you can't see your mark or your feedback, please let your tutor know ASAP.

    Reruns are also completed - you should be able to view your updated marks on give, with an extra commit present on your automarking branch. If neither of these are present, your rerun was not accepted. Note that if your mark hasn't changed, that means your mark with the rerun was lower or the same as your old mark, so we took the old mark instead.

    Exam 🏫

    As mentioned above, the exam is tomorrow! Please check for the time of your exam (there are two sessions, a morning and afternoon session) as well as your room allocation and (potentially) a corralling location.

    Some quick reminders for the exam:

    • Bring your
      • Student ID card
      • A pen (a sheet of paper will be provided)
      • A water bottle (opt.)
      • Good sleep (hard to do an exam whilst you're tired)
    • Don't bring into the exam room
      • Any electronics, including
        • Phones
        • Headphones/earphones
        • Smart watches
      • Any extra notes
      • Bringing any of the above constitutes academic misconduct and can lead to severe consequences, such as zero for the exam, a failing grade or worse.
    • Be on time to the exam - better yet, be early and leave yourself a buffer for travel issues
      • For certain sessions you may not be allowed in if you're late
    • You will have access to the Java 17 API, the full set of lecture slides (including a combined pdf) and the lecture code
    • Submit the questions as you go - you can always resubmit, and rushing at the end to submit everything is a surefire way to accidentally forget to submit something or make a mistake

    Other than that, some final words from us - exams are a stressful time for everyone, but you all have prepared for an entire term simply by doing the labs and assignments. You have the understanding and knowledge to complete the exam - keep calm during the exam, draw on that experience and focus on getting that across to the marker in your responses.

    If there are any problems on the day, email as soon as it crops up - we will be monitoring it before, during and after the exam times. We will also have members of the admin team present at the help desk tomorrow, so feel free to go there and ask for help!

    Best of luck, we're sure you'll do amazingly!

    COMP2511 Admin Team 🫡

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