
  • Welcome to COMP2511 (24T3)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia Saturday 07 September 2024, 09:11:00 AM, last modified Saturday 07 September 2024, 09:11:17 AM.

    Welcome to The Art of Software Design (Object-Oriented Design and Programming)! The course outline is now available; please take the time to carefully read it as it contains all the necessary details for the most recent course offering. The website for the course is located at .

    If you have any queries about the course, please use the course forum . The course forum can be accessed by following the instructions provided here .

    The tutorial and lab start in Week 01. You can find Tutorials and Labs by clicking on the corresponding links in the left panel of the course website .

    The first lecture starts at 12:00 noon on Monday , September 9th! The location and link are listed under COMP2511 Lectures (in Person/Online) .

    30+ passionate tutors, the administrative staff (Alvin, Sai, Amanda and Carl), and I are excited to start the new term next week.

    Dr Ashesh Mahidadia
    LIC, COMP2511 (24T3)

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!

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