Hey everyone!
Week 1 is over! We hope you enjoyed your first week back at uni, meeting old and new friends as well as the course staff! Hopefully setup issues were few and far between as well, and you found the first lab doable.
Each week, we'll be doing one of these announcements here on WebCMS. They exist to remind you about things coming up the following week, as well as to keep you in the loop regarding any course related info or updates. With that being said, let's get into the announcements!
At the end of each week, we will release solutions and a recording for the tutorial that week. The first of these solutions and recordings are now available on the tutorials page .
Lab01 is due Week 2 Monday at 10am . All students must push (not just commit) their code to Gitlab by the deadline each week , as mentioned in the instructions in the read me file. There are no late extensions for labs, and failure submit on time will mean your lab will not be marked .
If they haven't already, your tutor and lab assist will be manually marking them over the next two weeks in your labs , so make sure to attend! This is also outlined in the course outline, but after these two weeks, we will not mark your lab without good reason, so don't delay marking them off!
Please also attempt the labs sincerely - they give you a good opportunity to exercise the content learned in tutorials that week, which will be assessed further in the assignments and final exam. Finishing all the labs and properly attempting them with the intent to learn should set you cruising to pass this course easily π
Assignment I will be released this coming week, so keep an eye out for that! We'll be going through the spec in a lecture, so tune in to the lectures to get some explanations of what's going on!
The start of term is rife with setup issues, as well as some questions stemming from unfamiliarity with Java. These questions may be hard to solve by yourself, so if you're having such issues, please hop in a help session or post a question on the forum . Our amazing tutors are friendly and knowledgeable - a killer combo π€©!
And with that, we're done with the announcements this week! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and we'll see you next week π«‘
Welcome to The Art of Software Design (Object-Oriented Design and Programming)! The course outline is now available; please take the time to carefully read it as it contains all the necessary details for the most recent course offering. The website for the course is located at https://webcms3.cse.unsw.edu.au/COMP2511/24T3/ .
If you have any queries about the course, please use the course forum . The course forum can be accessed by following the instructions provided here .
The tutorial and lab start in Week 01. You can find Tutorials and Labs by clicking on the corresponding links in the left panel of the course website .
first lecture
starts at
12:00 noon on Monday
, September 9th! The location and link are listed under
COMP2511 Lectures (in Person/Online)
30+ passionate tutors, the administrative staff (Alvin, Sai, Amanda and Carl), and I are excited to start the new term next week.
Dr Ashesh Mahidadia
LIC, COMP2511 (24T3)