Please find the following practice questions on the topics BST and Graph, written by your tutors (Paul Wochnowski and Steven Strijakov):
COMP2521 Pre Exam Consultations
COMP2521 Final Exam Time/Seat allocations are now available at the following site, you need to login using your zId and zPass.
Students in the
, can only see their
. They will be told their lab seat when they turn up at the corralling room.
Instructions on how to submit your assignment-2 are now available, see "Submission" in the specs.
There will be an extra 2 hour lab with a couple of tutors running next Tuesday in flute from 10am to 12pm.
Since there are no labs or tutes next week this will be a good chance to get any lingering labs marked off and have a chat about the course.
If you can't make it and have lab 11 left to mark off, fear not, your tutor will be able to mark your submission remotely.
The form to nominate your time preference for COMP2521 final exam is now available at the following link. You need to login using your zID/zPass. Please carefully read the instructions and select your preferred option (if available) .
Note that students with multiple exams on that day have been already pre-allocated the suitable time slot for COMP2521.
Please submit your preference by 11pm Monday 22/Oct , thanks.
The following are now available:
Help Sessions are available during Week-13.
Please note that there are no Tutorials and Labs during Week-13.
In the first part of week-12 lab, you will take your Week-12 Practical Lab Exam .
Please make sure that you properly understand the following algorithms and are able to implement them:
Sample Week-12 Lab exam is now available, you can download the following zip file for the required files:
Like the earlier sample exam, the supplied object files BSTree.o and Graph.o are compatible with CSE lab machines, and they may not work on other (home) platforms!
You need to create your group for Assignment-2 by Thursday of Week-11.
on the following page and create your group:
IMPORTANT: Your group name MUST be sensible (not offensive). Your group name MUST start with alphabetic character, followed by alphanumeric chars (no spaces or special characters), max 15 chars. If your group name does not satisfy this criterion, we will not be able mark your Assignment-2!
Hey coders,
Hope you're had a good break! Because of the long weekend classes won't be running on monday 1st of October, if you are in a monday tute lab you can discuss with your tutors what alternative time works for both them and you.
Of course some of you may not be able to make these alternative times, if this is the case take a look at the timetable for this course (available
) and join another class for this week.
As per usual, if there are any issues shoot me or ashesh a email.
Have a good monday!
Mid Semester Break Help Sessions are available, see " Help Sessions " in the left panel.
You can use the following link, the one I used during the lecture, for visualising most of the data structures and algorithms we have covered so far :
As discussed in the lecture, Assignment-2 is now available. We will discuss it further in Week-10 lectures, however, you can start working on Part-1 now. See Assignments in the left panel.
Week-09 Tut/Lab now available .
Assignment 1 Submission is up, You can submit from the assignment page on webcms via the give interface or by running the command below
give cs2521 assn1 textbuffer.c testTextbuffer.c
Due to many students requesting a extension the deadline for assignment 1 has been extended to Sunday the 16th of September 2018 11:59pm.
Submission will be released shortly
The autotests will also be updated shortly to make it easier to run your code locally with the test input.
Hey guys,
I've released some very basic tests for assignment 1 ,passing these by no means indicates your solution is perfect but it should help in giving you a general idea on how you are going.
Remember to write lots of your own tests!
To run the tests, cd in into the folder with your code in it and run
2521 ass1_test
You must be on a CSE system (or ssh'ed into a cse system) to use this.
Email me if any issues occur.
Sorry for the delay, Week-08 Lab and tutorial are available now.
Assignment-1 is now available, see " Assignments " in the left panel of the course webpage.
Help Sessions start from today, see " Help Sessions " in the left panel of the class web page.
The first help session is at 2pm Friday in Strings Lab.
Please click on "Lecture recordings" in the left panel of the class web page (or click the link below) and follow instructions to access video lecturers for COMP2521 (18s2):
Class webpage for COMP2521
All course information is placed on the above course web site. COMP2521 (and other COMP courses) does not use Moodle .
Welcome to COMP2521 (Data Structures and Algorithms) !
The first meeting (lecture) is at 12noon Monday of Week-1 in Ainsworth G03 (K-J17-G03). The course outline is now available, please see the link " Course Outline " in the left panel. Please read it all, and ask questions in the first lecture on anything that's not clear. The course material will be available on this website, so you may want to bookmark this page.
Tutorials and Labs start in Week-2.
See you on Tuesday!
-- Ashesh