
  • Pre Exam Consultation

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 5 years ago.

    Pre Exam Consultation, from 10:30am to 11:15am on Wednesday 04 December 2019, in room 403 K17 Building.

  • COMP2521 Final Exam Seating Allocation

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 5 years ago.

    The seating allocation for your COMP2521 final exam is now available:
    COMP2521 final exam seating arrangement .
    Please check it so you know where you need to go and what time you need to be there. You will need this information on the day, so you may wish to bookmark the page.

  • Today's lecture (the last lecture of the term, Tuesday 19 November)

    Posted by Ashesh Mahidadia 5 years ago, last modified 5 years ago.

    Today (19/Nov), in the last lecture of the term, we discussed the course review, final exam structure and the sample final exam , see "Week 10" under Lectures . In case you missed today's lecture, please watch today's lecture (19 Nov). There is no lecture on Friday 22/Nov.

    Later in Week-11, I will post Pre-exam consultations. Meanwhile, all the best for your exam preparations!

    Hope you enjoyed and learned a great deal from this course, all the best.

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