COMP2521 (20T1) Final Exam is now available at the following link:
Please check the class web page for any updates/changes.
If you have any queries or need clarifications regarding your final exam, you can ask me during one of the following pre exam consultations:
If required, we will extend the above durations.
Please also make sure to fill in myExperience survey, thanks.
Week-10 Lecture on "Course Review and Final Exam" is now available.
Please note that we will award you marks for your final exam based on your submissions for both the parts. Please make sure that you submit your answer before the deadline. You can submit your answers multiple times, we will mark your latest submissions.
I will be available for consultations on Collaborator during the following times, if required we will extend the time slots.
Sample Final Exam is now available (also there is a link in the left panel). I will discuss it further in the Week-10 lecture, to be released later today.
You can now submit Assignment-2 , click on " Make Submission " tab, and follow the instructions.
Sample final exam and the lecture for week-10 (Course Review and Final exam) will be available later today or tomorrow morning.
I will be available for consultations on Collaborator during the following times, if required we will extend the time slots.
As mentioned earlier, we will be using all three hours of the Friday (Friday of Week-09) tut/lab groups for the Midterm assessment. In Week-09, the students from the Friday group can attend any one of the tut/lab time slots on Wednesday or Thursday, by the way this is only for week-09. See Timetable for possible time slots on Wednesday/Thursday.
Week 09 Lectures and Tutorial are now available.
Week 08 lectures are now available. The first hour of the first lecture of this week discusses how to get started with your Assignment-2. Next week's tutorial will be on Higher order Functions and Sorting , so you need to watch these lectures before your tut/lab next week.
Considering this Friday is a public holiday, we will be using all three hours of next Friday (Friday of Week-09) tut/lab groups for the Midterm assessment. In Week-09, the students from the Friday group can attend any one of the tut/lab time slots on Wednesday or Thursday, by the way this is only for week-09.
I will be available on Blackboard Collaborate at 10am today (Thursday 09 April), if you have any questions. Please select the Collaborate session name "Consultation_Ashesh_09April_10am".
Your tutor will contact you regarding your time slot (during your tut/lab time) for an interactive session to award you marks for your Midterm. If your tut/lab is on Friday, you will be assessed during Week-09 tut/lab time.
You will be asked two questions, one on Linked list and another on Trees, on the topics related to (and not the same as) the midterm questions. You will be allowed 3 mins to answer each question, so total 6 mins per student. If you prefer, you can use more than 3 mins to answer your first question, however your total time should not go beyond 6 mins. Two sample questions are available below. Please note that you must briefly justify your answers. Based on your justifications and answers, your tutor will award you marks. You don't need to offer long answers, as far as you convey your logic correctly and your tutor understands it, that's fine.
There are no tutorial exercises for Week-08. We will use tut/lab time this week for your Midterm assessment. Your tutor will contact you regarding your time slot (during your tut/lab time) for an interactive session to award you marks for your Midterm. If your tut/lab is on Friday, you will be assessed during Week-09 tut/lab time.
I just release Lab Week-08/09: Weighted Graphs and Geo Data , you have two weeks to complete this lab, and importantly you can use Help Sessions to get help for this lab. The submission deadline is 5pm Tuesday of Week-10. Once you have completed the lab, you should demonstrate your work to your tutor during your Week-10 lab time.
Assignment 2 (Simple Search Engines) is now available, it's due at 08pm Friday of Week-10. In the first lecture of this week, available tomorrow, I will explain in detail how to get started and the rest. If you have any questions, I will be available for consultation at 10am on Thursdays 09/April, say for one hour. Meanwhile please carefully read the specifications, all the required information is already available to get started asap! Please read the specs properly before you watch a video (available tomorrow) for Assignment-2 on introduction and getting started.
Week 07 Lectures are now available.
COMP2521 (20T1) Midterm exam paper (click here) is now available.
All the best!
As per the faculty guidelines, for COMP2521 (20T1) we will adopt a Satisfactory (SY) grading system (i.e. pass/fail) for assessments in T1 courses, where if a student fails a course, this fail will not appear on the academic transcript. If you want further information on this and future impact of this change on your academic records, please refer to the email (dated 30/March/2020) you received from our acting dean Prof Steve Foster.
Your COMP2521 (20T1) Final Exam will be a 24-hour open-book take home exam, similar to your Midterm exam. However the structure of your final exam will be different, as you may expect.
Just summarising few earlier messages below for Week 07, just in case you missed them.
You need to attend your Week 07 Tutorial during your normal tutorial time (first hour), it is not cancelled! However, there are no labs during week 07, due to the Midterm Exam. All the labs during week 07 are cancelled.
There are
no Help Sessions on Thursday
of Week-07. As you may expect, you will not be able to ask any questions to any tutors or assistants, regarding Linked list or Trees or anything related to your Midterm.
Midterm exam
paper will be released at 09am on Thursday 02 April 2020. A student needs to submit answers by 09am on Friday 03 April 2020 (after 24 hours), using the
command or via WebCMS (like a lab submission).
COMP2521 Pre-Midterm Online Help Sessions (during week-07)
You can also ask questions regarding your Assignment-1 during the new Help Sessions (for 31/March and 01/April) announced yesterday for the Midterm.
The following are additional online Help Sessions for your Midterm this week (week-07). Please note that, during your Midterm exam, there will not be any help/consultation available! So make use of the following pre-Midterm online Help Sessions.
COMP2521 Pre-Midterm Online Help Sessions (during week-07)
Week 07 Tutorial is now available.
There are
no lab exercises
for week-07, due to the Midterm Exam.
Wednesday and Friday lab times
will become online consultations (like Help Sessions), open to all the students.
There are
no Labs and Help Sessions on Thursday
of Week-07.
The Midterm exam paper will be released at 09am on Thursday 02 April 2020. A student needs to submit answers by 11am on Friday 03 April 2020 (after 26 hours), using the give command or via WebCMS (like a lab submission).
I am available for online consultation for the topics related to the lecture material and any course related matters. Go to the session named Consultation_Ashesh_27March_11am, for today.
Instructions on how to submit Assignment-1 are now available, see "How to Submit" under the section named " Submission " .
I have extended the due date of Week-05/06 Lab (Balanced Binary Search Trees) to " Tue 31 March 20:00:00".
Please select the Collaborate session name "Consultation_Ashesh_26March_10am", in the future search for a session name with prefix "Consultation-Ashesh" and the corresponding date and time.
I have now extended the Midterm Exam window to 24 hours, to allow you to pick a suitable time, address any issues related to internet connectivity, vlab issues, etc. Please don't leave your submission to the last hour! We will not be able to extend the deadline beyond this.
As per the faculty guidelines, we will award a grade, pass or fail, for this course. Like the Midterm Exam, your Final Exam will also be 24-hour open-book take home exam.
Week 06 lectures are now available online, I will be available on Blackboard Collaborate from 10am t o11am today (Thursday 26 March) and 11am to 12noon tomorrow (Friday 27 March), if you have any queries.
I have extended the deadline for your Assignment-1 to 8am Thursday of Week 07.
Let's focus on our learning objectives. This course is important for many following courses and also what you will encounter in the real world. We can achieve our learning objectives even in an online teaching mode, yes I agree it is not same as face-to-face, however in this unexpected and difficult times we need to adjust and do our best to achieve our goals. I take this opportunity to thank our tutors for their wonderful support in this rapid move to online teaching. Each component of this course is designed to achieve a set of learning objectives, so we will keep both the assignments and the final exam. Be honest and try to solve problems by yourself, you are here to learn!
The Sample Midterm Exam and the required information for your Midterm at 9am on 02 April 2020 is now available on the following page,
All the best for your Midterm. Let me know if you have any queries.
Week 06 Tutorial and Lab are now available. Regarding your midterm exam, we will post a notice early in week 06 describe how we plan to organise it. As mentioned earlier, it will be online, you don't need to come to the Uni campus.
You may have already received an email for the following survey/feedback. In case you have not provided your feedback, please fill in the survey/feedback below on the move to online teaching, the survey closes tomorrow (Sunday) midnight, thanks.<wbr>apps/prismatic
Please note that we will not have any face-to-face assessment on the campus this term. We are still working on how to conduct these assessments, and I will post a notice when we make a decision on this topic.
Week 05 lecture videos are now available. There are three videos on the following page.
Please note that the above videos are not available on Echo360. For the rest of the lecture videos this term, please check links under the corresponding week on the page Lectures .
Summary of online help sessions this week, for more information, go to Help Sessions .
Later today, I will upload this week's lectures online and post a message. For the rest of the lectures, I will try to upload lectures before the scheduled times, if possible.
For the rest of this term, we are going to run remote virtual tutorial and lab sessions. Please read the information available on the following page to actively participate in a remote tutorial and lab session.
Your remote tutorial and lab session is at the same time and day as your face-to-face tutorial and lab time in the Timetable .
There are now instructions on how to connect to our new online help sessions. You can find them at this link , or on the sidebar of WebCMS under "Help Sessions". These instructions apply from today (including the help session this evening). If you have questions about accessing them, post on the class forum and we'll try help you as soon as possible.
There are no face-to-face consultations today. We will post instructions on how to use a Remote Help Session soon!
We will move COMP2521 lectures, tutorials, labs and Help Sessions online before this Wednesday (18 March), so no face-to-face classes until further notice. However, please note that you do need to actively participate in all these teaching activities, and we will continue to cover the required course material in the coming weeks.
The lectures will be available online, some time on Thursday and Friday. I will post links when they are ready and uploaded.
Tomorrow (Tuesday 17 March) afternoon/evening, I will post a notice regarding your online tutorials, labs and Help Sessions.
Additional Help Sessions are available for the first Assignment, please visit the following website and look for " Summary of Sessions by Week " for week by week help sessions.
The code from today's lecture is available at : Friday (28/Feb) lecture code .
The following are now available:
Week 02 tutorial and lab are now available.
Hi COMP2521,
We know some students are currently unable to attend COMP2521 classes because of recent travel restrictions. Some students have told us they are currently travelling. Some students have told us they are in Sydney but can't attend classes because they are self-isolating .
If you can get to UNSW by Feb 28 and can attend your week 3 classes (in particular tutorial and lab classes), we look forward to having you in COMP2521 in Term 1. Please prepare by watching lectures recordings , and self study Tutorials and Labs .
If you can not travel to UNSW to attend Week 03 classes, you unfortunately can not take COMP2521 this term. Attendance in classes is necessary to complete COMP2521. You will need to change your enrolment, say to Term 2 or 3 this year.
There is information here to help you with changing your enrolment and other questions and you can contact The Nucleus for more help.
We're very sorry that for some of you, this means you will not be able to join us for COMP2521 this term, but the course will be available in both terms 2 and 3 this year, so we hope to see you then!
We look forward to seeing you at UNSW when you can travel here.
Welcome to COMP2521 (Data Structures and Algorithms) !
The course outline is now available, please see the link Course Outline in the left panel. Please read it all, and ask questions in the first lecture on anything that's not clear.
COMP2521 does not use Moodle. The course website is at . We recommend that you bookmark the page. The course material will be available on this website.
Tutorials and Labs start in Week-1. The tutorial and lab for week-01 are now available. See Tutorials and Labs in the left panel on the course website.
See you in the first lecture!
-- Ashesh