
  • Exam typos (update)

    Posted by Paul Hunter 3 years ago, last modified 3 years ago.

    Hi all,

    There are a couple of typos on the exam that shouldn't have too much of an impact but can lead to some unnecessary ambiguity.

    Q4 had the CTL and LTL subscripts the wrong way around [this has now been fixed]

    Q10 a iv should read: "In the next 3 time units: there will be an a followed by (at some point) a b followed by (at some point) a c." (I.e. there should be a colon and a clarification about "followed by"). [this has now been fixed]

    Update: Q10 b should read: "Express, or show that it is not possible to express, the properties in (a) in MTL (or TCTL)" [this has now been fixed]

    If there are any other sources of ambiguity then you should exercise your own judgement, but clearly state the interpretation you are adopting, so you don't get unfairly penalised for what might be a reasonable interpretation.


  • Final exam now available

    Posted by Paul Hunter 3 years ago.

    Hi all,

    The final exam is now available on the course website under "Exam Resources". It is due at 9am Friday 19 August (AEST) .

    As with assignments, you can submit as often as you like - your last submission before the deadline will be what is marked.

    I have also included, on the course webpage, the LaTeX code for all automata that appear in the exam to make it easier to draw some of the diagrams (if needed).

    I have just realised that the assignment solutions were not posted - I'll get them out onto the website asap.

    Good luck,


  • Upcoming lectures

    Posted by Paul Hunter 3 years ago.

    Hi all,

    For today's lecture, Ron van der Meyden will (hopefully) be giving a guest lecture on some of the work he is involved in - specifically Model Checking for Epistemic Logic (Logic of "Information Flow"). The lecture will be on zoom as usual.

    For tomorrow's lecture, I have organised a room on campus: G23 in the Law Building (F8). It is a hybrid room, so I should be able to livestream, as well as record the lecture - but it would be great if those of you that are able (and willing) to come for a final face-to-face meeting. We will be reviewing the course and I'll be answering any questions you have, including about the final exam.

    Looking forward to seeing you,


Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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