
  • Final Exam

    Posted by Hui Guo 4 years ago.

    Please see below the information about the final exam:

    •Exam type: Moodle online exam

    •Time: Sat, 1st May

    •Duration: 2 hours

    •Exam open time: 14:00 (Sydney time)

    •Exam close time:17:00 (Sydney time)

    More information can be found in the lecture notes of the last lecture (Tuesday lecture of Week 10).

    I will be available in the course's consultation channel on MS Teams during the exam period.

  • Member's Contribution to Group Project Form

    Posted by Hui Guo 4 years ago.

    The form for Member's Contribution to Group Project is available on the Assignment page.

    The form is open till 6pm, Monday, April 26.

  • Group project presentation and demo in Week 10 and report submission

    Posted by Hui Guo 4 years ago, last modified 4 years ago.

    Please be informed that the group project presentation is postponed to your TLB class.

    In your TLB class next week (Week 10), each project group will present your project work in the first two hours to the class and then demonstrate your design to your lab tutors.

    For the presentation, each group is given 25 mins (including 5 mins for Q&A) to present your work in the following four areas:

    1. overall desgin idea that includes ISA, assembly code, and processor organization

    2. implementation that covers HDL model and performance analysis

    3. testing that covers testing strategies and simulation results

    4. conclusions that covers project outcomes and reflection on the project development

    Note: for groups with less than 4 members, a member is allowed to present their work in more than one area.

    The sample peer assessment form is available on the Assignment page.

    Also, the SMS is ready to receive your report submission via the course website. The deadline for the submission is 18:00:00, Friday April 23.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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