
  • Final Exam Tomorrow

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 7 years ago.

    Reminder: The COMP3222/9222 exams are on tomorrow from 1:30pm - 5:45pm in the Brass, Sitar and Kora labs on Level 3 of J17 (Rooms J17-305, J17-306 and J17-307).

    Please remember for tomorrow's exam that the virtual machine does not support USB3 devices directly - you will need to use a USB extension cable to connect a USB3 drive to the vm.

  • Lab marks recorded

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 7 years ago.

    Your lab marks have now been recorded in SMS. Please check these in the usual way and let your lab demonstrator know if there are any discrepancies.

  • Hand In marks released

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 7 years ago, last modified 7 years ago.

    Marks for your Hand In exercises have been loaded into SMS - access these in the usual way - your marked Hand In exercises will be returned during this week's tutorials. Lab marks will be entered into SMS by Friday afternoon this week.

    Reminder: this is Week 13 - last week for tutes and labs.

Upcoming Due Dates

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