
  • Final exams

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 3 months ago.

    The following is a longish announcement re the COMP3222/9222 exams coming up this THURSDAY 5 NOV starting at 13:45 in the J17 Lvl 3 CSE LABS .

    The seating allocation for the exam is available at .

    If your allocated seat is in the flute lab , please be aware that some students will already have begun their exam in that lab when you are allowed into the lab, so please be as respectful as you can be of their need for quiet. These students will also finish their practical exam after you, so please leave quietly when you finish at 17:45!

    When you are invited into your exam room, please take your seat promptly at 13:45 to commence reading your Theory paper at 13:50.

    Theory paper reading 13:50 – 14:00.
    Theory paper writing 14:00 – 15:00.

    Remain seated while the theory papers are collected. After staff have collected your theory papers the lab is to be vacated. You may leave your belongings in the room if you wish. The rooms will not be available while the practical exam papers are distributed.

    You may have a break until the exam rooms are again opened. Please return to your allocated seats at 15:20 to commence reading your Practical paper at 15:25.

    Practical paper reading 15:25 – 15:40.
    Practical paper writing 15:40 – 17:40.

    The COMP3222/9222 exams are open book. You are permitted to bring with you and use any printed materials and files stored on USB-based removable storage devices; use of the lab workstations is permitted during both exams to access the course website, personal files stored on CSE servers, and USB devices.

    The fpga-basics virtual machine is configured with Windows 10 and will allow access to CSE servers including WebCMS, but will not provide Internet access during the exams. INTERNET ACCESS IS NOT PERMITTED. Please regularly save your files on a removable device or to the CSE servers to minimize loss of work should the virtual machine crash for any reason.


    You are required to bring your Basys-3 board with you to complete the practical exam. Your board is to be returned to the CSE School Office in K17-111D before the Christmas shutdown or in the early New Year. Failure to return your board may result in a block being placed on your enrolment and graduation.

    Practce theory and practical papers have been provided on the course website at . These will be available until 13:00 on 5 Nov.

    I wish you every success in preparing for the exams.

  • lab07 marked

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 3 months ago.

    lab07 has been marked and feedback is available for collection.

    Please check with your marker for any lab07 marking queries, and let me know of any discrepancies in your overall lab marks.

    Good luck with your studies - Oliver

  • lab06 marked

    Posted by Oliver Diessel 4 months ago.

    The marks and feedback for lab06 are now available.

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