
  • On-time lab02 submissions marked

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Friday 11 October 2024, 02:13:18 PM.

    The on-time lab02 submissions and some late submissions have now been marked. There are about 20 late submissions still being worked on. These will be released as soon as they are available.

  • Lab 4 Part I step 2 explanation of F_max​ REVISED at 10:40 am, 11 October.

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Friday 11 October 2024, 10:28:29 AM.

    It seems I made an error in my explanation of the derivation of F_max on page 2 of the Lab 4 exercise sheet. Please reload the exercise and read over the explanation once more to dispel the previous erroneous statement.

  • Quiz available from 9:00 am for 24 hours

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Friday 11 October 2024, 08:57:57 AM.

    Second systems stuff up in a week! Hopefully no more this year!

    I have adjusted the date on Quiz 2 so that you should be able to commence after 9am this morning. The quiz will be available for 24 hours.

    My apologies to anyone inconvenienced - I'm very sorry. Oliver

  • On-time lab03 submissions accepted until midnight tonight

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Tuesday 08 October 2024, 11:16:40 AM.

    Submissions are once again working - apparently an overzealous git submission in another class filled the disk preventing further writes to the disk.

    I have extended the on-time submission deadline until midnight tonight.

    If you sent me your files by email, please resubmit them in the usual way for them to be marked. I cannot process project files that are emailed to me.

    Please note that we collect on-time submissions the day after the deadline. If you resubmit sometime after we collect your submissions, any resubmissions will not be marked. To be safe, please don't resubmit after 9am on the day following a deadline.

  • lab03 submissions

    Posted by Oliver Diessel Tuesday 08 October 2024, 09:21:43 AM.

    Clearly there are problems with give at the moment. I will let you know when systems are back up and running properly and then allow time for people to submit. Hang in there!

Upcoming Due Dates

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