
  • Consultation Sessions

    Posted by Nadeem Ahmed 6 years ago.

    The LiC is available for consultation sessions this week as per the following schedule:

    1. Wednesday 14th August 2019 3-5pm CSE consultation room 403

    2. Friday 16th August 2019 3-5pm CSE consultation room 508

    These would be the last consultation sessions available.

  • Course Feedback through myExperience

    Posted by Nadeem Ahmed 6 years ago.

    Dear COMP3331/9331 Students,

    Thanks to everyone who have already provided feedback about the course. However, the participation rate is still very low. Could I please request everyone to provide your feedback via the myExperience survey page . Please complete both parts of the survey before the deadline of 15th August 2019.

    Please note that your responses are completely confidential and no students are identified. Tell us what you think and give us a grade!

    I would greatly appreciate if you could complete the survey ASAP.

  • Assignment Submission Deadline is Extended

    Posted by Nadeem Ahmed 6 years ago.

    The deadline for assignment submission has been extended till 5pm Sunday 11th August 2019. This is the final deadline, any submission after this deadline will attract appropriate late penalty marks. No submission will be accepted after 5pm Tuesday 13th August 2019.

Upcoming Due Dates

There is nothing due!


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